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Jack knew from the moment he rounded the corner that something had happened in his absence. One glance at the faces of North, Tooth, and Sandy told him so...and immediately, fear sunk its claws down deep.

"What happened? Is Bunny okay?" Jack asked, clearly panicked.

North grasped his shoulder, steadying him. "There has been no news on Bunny, Jack. But Manny..."

"He showed us, Jack. He showed us how Pitch took Elsa." Tooth interrupted. She looked like she had pulled herself together, though her eyes were still red and raw and her features were still drawn in worry.

" were right, Jack. He did use Anna's health as a lure." North finished.

"He showed you that? Did you see anything else?" He had thought Manny had approached him exclusively, but perhaps that was not the case.

Sandy looked confused as he shook his head. "No...we saw him take Elsa. Nothing more." North elaborated on Sandy's answer, then posed a question of his own. "Why? What did you see, Jack?"

"Everything." Jack murmured, the effects of the vision still weighing heavily on his heart. "She's locked away in Pitch's lair. Grim attacked her...but Pitch intervened. Told him she was too valuable to lose so soon." Hot flames of fury threatened to overtake him, but Jack pressed on. "Elsa tried convincing Pitch to join forces with us. He won't, of course. But Elsa isn't going to fight against us...she made that clear. We just have to get her out of there before he forces her to do anything."

"I didn't think she would, Jack. Elsa is not a traitor...she is a young girl that was pushed into a situation she saw now way out of. I believe any of us would have done the same." North said as he let his hand fall away from Jack's shoulder.

Just then, the door to the medical bay swung open and Yvonne stepped out. Tooth was immediately in the air, fluttering to the Yeti's side. "How is he? Can I see him?" She asked desperately.

Yvonne rested her paws on Tooth's arms, describing the nature of Bunny's injury as the rest of them drew close. It had taken 18 stitches to repair the damage, and though the blade had missed any vital arteries, Bunny had lost a lot of blood. If they hadn't gotten him back to the Pole when they had, there was a very real chance that he would not have made it. He weak but awake, and they could all step in to see him.

Tooth barely waited for the Yeti to finish talking, fluttering past her and into the room. "Oh Bunny!" Jack heard her exclaim as he followed North and Sandy inside.

Bunny was sitting up, one arm in a sling to keep pressure off of the stitches. His long ears were lowered, his good arm was wrapped around Tooth as he held her close. "I thought I'd lost you..." She sniffled against his chest.

"Lost me?" Bunny's voice sounded husky and tired, but nonetheless injected with that same dry humor he was so well known for. "It would take a lot more than that to take me away from you, woman."

Jack, North, and Sandy hung back, giving the couple a moment together. Eventually, Bunny looked up, smirking slightly as he let go of Tooth. "Looks like I got myself a fan club."

North chuckled as he stepped closer, Sandy hovering at his side. "Of course you do. Where else would we find such sarcasm? We need you around!"

Jack grinned as he and Bunny made eye contact. "How're you feeling?" He asked, eyeing the rabbit in assessment. He looked miles better than he had in the meadow, no longer soaked in his own blood and perfectly alert.

"Ready to rumble. Just waitin' for them damn Yetis to get the needle outta my arm." Bunny tugged at the tube that was delivering him fluids, clearly displeased with the confinement it required.

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