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The moment that his feet were on solid ground, Jack was already moving. "We need help! Quickly...he's bleeding badly!"

The two Yetis responsible for the medical care at the Pole, George and Yvonne, had been sterilizing equipment when the portal opened. The moment they saw the situation at hand, they were moving too. George made a series of groans, telling Jack to get Bunny on the table right away.

Jack carefully laid his friend down, still keeping pressure on the laceration. The fabric was saturated, and Jacks pale hands were stained a bright and gory red when he pulled them away. Bunny mumbled something unintelligible in his sleep...a good sign, perhaps. It was the first sign of life he'd shown since he had passed out.

Tooth had gone immediately to Bunny's bedside, but Yvonne herded her away with grunts and squeals, letting her know that she understood the concern but that she and George needed space to work.

"No! I need to be here for him! If he wakes up and I'm not here..." Tooth protested.

"We need to let them do their job, Tooth. I know it's hard...but he's in good hands." Jack said softly, guiding her toward the door.

"No! I can't leave him Jack!" Tooth resisted, looking back to where the Yetis were already working quickly on Bunny.

"You must, Toothie. It is the best thing you can do for him right now." North said as Sandy grasped her hand. She dissolved into sobs as they led her out of the room, shutting the door to leave the Yetis to their work.

Sandy tended to Tooth as she sank to the floor, wrapping his arms around her as she sobbed against his shoulder. North looked to Jack, looking very doubt from the stress of his worry for Bunny. "The army?" He asked.

"Won't be fighting for a while. Most of them scattered when the storm began, and I eliminated the threats that wouldn't back down. I set off a storm before I came to the clearing...the Arendelle soldiers should be equipped to handle it, but the invaders will be pretty crippled. We've bought them time." Jack relayed the summary of his duties briefly.

"That's good. But time is a luxury we don't have." North said with a sigh.

"No. That one was strong...stronger than the rest." Jack agreed. "I...I don't think Elsa will be alright for much longer." He spoke his fear softly, as if voicing it aloud would confirm its reality.

"I don't know the details of why they felt they must take her, Jack. But I feel that she is a pawn to them...and a valuable one at that. I do not think her life is in danger yet. But...soon, that may change." North reasoned.

"They'll be expecting us." Jack spoke the fact that they both knew.

"Yes. And they are right to. We will be coming. But I don't think you should go alone, Jack. You've seen how strong even the Horseman are. To take them on, plus Pitch and Grim? It would be a suicide mission. You wouldn't be able to keep yourself safe, let alone Elsa." North must have been able to see the anxiousness in Jack's eyes.

"As soon as we hear if Bunny will pull through, I have to go, North. You know I do." Jack said, watching as Tooth wiped at her eyes. "For Elsa, for Bunny...for every life they've impacted. They have to pay, North. And I can't bear to leave Elsa in their clutches one moment longer than necessary."

North sighed deeply, though he nodded in understanding. "I understand your feelings, Jack. Believe me, I do. But divided? We don't stand a chance. We came very close to losing Bunny today...we still could. I'm certain you would die if you tried it alone, Jack."

"So long as I got Elsa to safety, that would be price I'd pay." Jack knew it was rash, knew he wasn't thinking things through. But his love for Elsa outweighed all the rest.

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