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The entity that was delivered by the lunar light was surreal in appearance. Male, with silvery hair and pale, luminescent flesh. His features were youthful and handsome, his stature average in height and build. The eyes were the most shocking feature, with irises that looked like miniature versions of the moon and shimmered with the same silvery light. He seemed to glow from the inside out, and could be described by many as undoubtedly beautiful.

"Manny. It has been so very long since you've graced us with your physical presence..." North said in awe.

"Ah, but it has, old friend! I really should visit more often...I probably have at least a century of vacation time built up by now, after all!" Manny exclaimed jovially, clapping North on the back. He did not seem to notice North's wince of pain as he greeted the others.

"Bunny! Tooth! Sandy! How great it is to see you after all these years! You look...well, you don't look well, but I guess that can be expected, don't you think?" He exclaimed, shaking each of their hands individually as he spoke. If their tear stained faces bothered him, it didn't show.

"Yeah. Great to see you Manny." Bunny commented, dry sarcasm in his voice. "Little late to the show, don't ya think?"

Manny did not seem to notice the contempt in the rabbit's voice. "Oh! Yes, I had hoped to get here far sooner, but you wouldn't believe how hard it is to engage the Celestials into battle! They were off somewhere in the Andromeda galaxy, helping out with some civil unrest out that way. Lucky for us, they had a group in reserves. Things might have gotten a bit prickly without their help, don't you think?"

"Androm...what?" Kristoff mumbled. He was still holding Anna against his chest, and both of them were staring at the Man in the Moon with a touch of fear.

"Andromeda. Surely you don't think you are alone in this universe, do you? Heavens!" Manny exclaimed, chuckling as if it were the best joke he'd ever heard. "You must be Anna and Kristoff. I've heard much about you over the past few weeks. Wonderful to know you!"

Anna glared at him. "We heard about you too. How powerful you are. But you wouldn't stop anything! You let all this happen!" She accused.

Manny's smile faded slightly, and he shook his head. "Child, I would never let so much destruction occur. I love the people of the Earth."

"She's right." Jack spoke for the first time. He had laid Elsa's body down gently in the snow, resting her hands peacefully against her stomach. He was glaring at Manny, the fury in his gaze unmistakable as he rose to his feet. "You let this happen, and then have the nerve to show up after it's over and treat it like some kind of party. She gave her life to help you, and you don't even acknowledge her." He motioned to Elsa's peaceful form, before his gaze returned to his creator. "But why should I expect anything less from you? It doesn't matter to you who dies, so long as your plan is fulfilled."

"Jack!" Tooth cried in anguish, trying to dissuade him from his verbal attack on their spiritual leader.

Manny had been quiet, letting Jack rage at him all while surveying him with that gentle lunar gaze of his. He did not argue, did not attempt to defend himself...for he knew that Jack was hurting. Knew that he was where the blame was placed, even if it had not been his hands that swung the killing blade.

"It's okay, Tooth. Let him get it out." Manny said softly. "What else, Jack?"

"What else? 300 years I spent alone, until you gave me Elsa. Why would you take her away? Why couldn't it have been me? I never wanted this life, not without her...and now I'm stuck. Stuck living through an eternity without eternity I never wanted!" Jack yelled at Manny, unaware of the hot tears that continued to flow down his cheeks. All he knew in that moment was rage...and the empty, hollow pit of despair.

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