With the Sunrise

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The sun filtered in through the soft, billowy curtain, casting the bedspread in its golden light. It had been days since it had last shown--and Elsa's frenzied emotions the evening before had brought in an early winter's storm that had blanketed the land in fresh, clean powder. There was a sense of hope in those early morning rays...as if the passing of the storm signified a fresh new beginning. A beginning the darkness could never touch.

These things were present but vague in Jack's mind as he laid still on the bed beside Elsa. She was still deep in slumber, her breathing even and light. Jack had not slept that night--it may have been beneficial for him to rest, to recharge his energy for whatever laid ahead. But he'd been unwilling to miss a moment, a single instant of having her with him. He'd marked her every breath, her every shift of movement into his memory, so that he could experience it again whenever he wished.

He couldn't be sure when the exact moment had come. Perhaps it had been when she'd mumbled his name in her sleep, when the darkness had settled deep and the snow had quit drifting outside. It might have been when she'd snuggled into the crook of his neck and sighed. Or when she'd fisted her hand upon the fabric of his sweatshirt and pulled him even closer, as if his cold body didn't bother her at all.

Maybe it hadn't even been recent. Maybe it had been etched into his fate just as deeply as dying beneath a sheet of ice had been, or being resurrected as a guardian. Perhaps it was just a part of his design, his purpose...present from the very moment he'd looked at her, however hidden until he was equipped to deal with its reality.

He had always known he'd loved her.

But as he laid there, watching the way her white gold hair shimmered in the soft yellow light of the morning, Jack became aware that what had once been a love found in friendship had blossomed.

At some point along their journey, he had fallen in love with her.

And he was just as much of a danger to her as he'd been in the beginning...and this time, nothing he could do would put her out of harms way. There was only one certainty: he would sacrifice anything, everything to spare her.

And something told him that would be exactly what he'd have to do.

Jack managed to doze over the next hour, until he felt Elsa stir beside him. When he opened his eyes, he was greeted with her smiling face--and Jack would have sworn to the Man in the Moon he had seen nothing more beautiful in all his days as she looked just them. Her hair was mussed and there was a mark on her cheek from sleeping against his sweatshirt. Her eyes were still sleepy, and her cheeks looked warm and pink. She was more than just the regal Queen most people saw her as...to him, she was Elsa. A beautiful 21 year only woman who was just as real as anybody else...and he was grateful for the privilege of getting to share in those quiet, private moments of her day.

"Good morning." He told her, reaching out to stroke her cheek. It was warm and soft beneath his fingertips.

"Good morning. Did I wake you?" She asked as she leaned into his touch. Jack could have melted by that single action, tender as it was.

He smoothed a strand of hair behind her ear. "I got enough rest." The hour had replenished some of the energy he'd expended, and as long as he avoided any arguments with Bunny, he'd be back to too condition by dinner.

"Me too. I feel like a new woman." Elsa said, sitting up as she stretched. "I haven't slept more than a few hours in a night in a weeks."

Jack nodded. "I know. I was wondering how long you'd be able to keep that up." Though knowing Elsa, it probably could have been a while. She was stubborn.

"As long as necessary I guess. No more sleeping in me for me, though. We've got too much to do." As always, Elsa was right on schedule. "Where will we go to practice today?"

Jack thought for a moment. There was plenty of open space surrounding the Pole, but he wanted to have her practice honing direct attacks. "There's a hilly area a few miles away with some shrubs and stuff. We can use them for targets."

"Great." Elsa actually looked a little excited about the prospect. "I guess I should get showered so we can be on our way." She told him as she slipped out of bed.

Jack would have been content to lay next to her in the fluffy bed all day, but he knew she was right. He nodded reluctantly. "Sure. There should be fresh towels in the bathroom." He nodded towards the bathroom door as he got up, reaching for his staff.

Elsa moved to where he stood, looking up at him. "I'm not sure what last night means for us, Jack. But I don't regret it. It was just as I'd dreamed it would be."

"It can mean whatever you want it to, Elsa." He told her softly. He would understand if she wanted it to be a one time thing...though he desperately hoped that wasn't the case. He wanted so much more. And not just in a physical way. "But it was perfect."

If she knew what she wanted it to mean, Elsa didn't say. But Jack had a pretty good idea that he wasn't alone in his hopes for them, because this time she, Elsa made the move. She reached up to fist her small hand in the collar of his sweatshirt, pulling him down and into her kiss. Jack was pleasantly shocked, melting into her as she kissed him thoroughly. It was brief, nothing like the urgent exploration of the night before...instead, it was tender and sweet. As if Elsa were answering him without even needing to speak.

Jack's head was still reeling when she pulled back, smoothing out the wrinkles her fist had made in his sweatshirt. "I'll meet you for breakfast, okay?"

He blinked, trying to gain back a bit of coherency. "Breakfast. Okay."

Elsa was chuckling as she disappeared into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. Jack let out a haggard breath, taking a moment to collect himself. The woman sure knew how to rile him in the best of ways.

Jack exited to the hallway, headed for the dining room. The Yeti's were sure to have put out a spread, but he wanted to make sure there was tea as well. It was Elsa's favorite, after all...

"Jack? What are you doing?"

The heavily accented voice made him jump. Jack turned to face North, who was standing a few yards away...apparently he'd been headed for breakfast as well. His stomach felt as if it had sank when he saw the expression on the old man's face, however.

North had just witnessed him exiting Elsa's bedroom.

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