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In a lair far away, Pitch was tending to one of the dark beasts his friend had summoned for him. His Nightmares had been beautiful, but this particular creature put them to shame. Black and grey and hideous enough to strike fear into the strongest heart, Pitch's stallion impressed him greatly. It had been crafted with him in mind-tall and lanky but carved with muscle. It was a horse fit for a General in the Army of Death and Darkness...a horse fit for him.

"Such an eventful night's work we've shared, don't you agree?" He asked the beast as he ran a brush over its hide.

The animal turned it's head, it's eerie metallic gaze regarding him thoughtfully. The intellect behind those eyes was nearly if the animal was far more than a demonic mode of transportation. Perhaps, Pitch mused, it was.

"The time is near, I think. Soon we shall ride into battle together, and it will be glorious." The King of Fear predicted, setting aside the comb. He ran a hand over the long side of the horse, earning a grunt from the beast.

Pitch's amber gaze glazed over for a moment, and when they cleared, he whirled toward the entrance of the underground stable. Grim had announced his presence and was standing in the entryway. "Ah, my friend! What a splendid night we've just had. The fear we caused has me feeling stronger than ever...and your harvest of souls must have benefitted you as well."

The reaper gave a nod of his cloaked head. The strange vapor began to pool at the edge of his robe, rising, swirling. Dancing with the skeletal digits that had summoned it, the mist began to glow. Intrigued, Pitch stepped from the horse's stall. "A message for me?" He inquired, stepping closer.

Images began to take shape, like a silent movie reel. Pitch watched, transfixed on the brilliance he was being shown. "Yes! They think they are so smart, boarding up the windows and hiding away like little mice in a cubby. How satisfying it will be to show them their efforts are fruitless!"

The images changed again, and this time, Pitch could hardly contain his excitement. The Reaper was showing him a deviation from their current plan, and the idea was utterly charming. "It is perfect." He murmured in wonder. "I wish we had thought of it before. It's certain to work...and it will ensure our victory."

The Reaper lowered a hand, and the smoke began to condense. The images Pitch had been shown dissipated as the vapor crawled back to its master, disappearing into the sleeve of his shroud.

Pitch was pacing, clearly excited over what the Reaper had showed him. It was a different plan than their original agreement, but it was too perfect to pass up. Not that he thought he had much of a choice...of there was one thing he knew about Grim, it was that he liked things his way. Only...of one particular thing, Pitch was curious. "My only question is...could it be possible to leave her alive? After all, she is such a lovely thing...and her powers are so perfect. In time she could be convinced to be of use to one...or even both of us." There was a suggestive inflection in Pitch's was no secret that he harbored a bit of lust for the snow queen.

What happened next was so quick that even Pitch could not dodge it in time. Grim moved with animalistic, calculated speed...shooting forth a burst of black smoke with enough force to send the King of Fear rocketing through the room, into the opposite wall. Pitch hit so hard that a large crack formed in the stone, all the way up to the vaulted ceiling. Stubbled, he crumpled to the floor, holding his chest in pain.

The Reaper advanced on him ominously. Pitch's slitted yellow eyes drew up in fear, and he tried to scoot away. His backward motion was halted when his back connected with the wall, and he held up his hands to show him submission. "Please!" He begged, turning his face. Even he could not bear to look upon the evil approaching him. "I am sorry I questioned your plan! Please, do not punish me further. It won't happen again, I assure you!" He hated the desperate fear dropping from his words.

The Nightmares that had feasted on him five years prior when the Guardians had defeated him had drawn into the cavern. He could feel their luminous gazes peering down at him from the high ledges on which they stood. Remembering the horror and the pain his own creations had delivered to him threw Pitch into a panic. He tried to push himself to his feet, but the Reaper stopped him as a gloved hand shot out and wrapped around his neck. He was lifted from the floor, pinned to the wall, his air supply very nearly choked off completely.

"Hnnng!" Pitch tried to speak.

One of the Nightmares floated down, looking excitedly over the Reaper's shoulder. Pitch's fear had excited it, and it was barely containing it's urge to feast. Pitch tried to scream, but the Reaper pressed harder.

He could not see the face of Grim...he never had. But the darkness behind the hood began to light with that familiar vapor, and the warning was clear: Follow or die. Pitch anxiously tried to nod his head, his lungs aching for air. The Reaper held him a moment longer before releasing his hold, allowing him to crumple back to the floor.

Gasping, Pitch rubbed his neck, his eerie gaze immediately sweeping up to look for the Nightmare. Grim swept his hand toward the ledge, and the beast grudgingly went back into the shadows. Relieved, Pitch sank back, gasping for breath. "I'm sorry. It was foolish of me to think we could alter your plan. It's important that the Man in the Moon cannot see our intent...and if I stray from you, he will know what's written on my soul. I am so very sorry for risking all we've built." His voice was raw and his throat hurt when he spoke.

The Reaper stared at him for a long moment, before turning away with a flash of his black shroud. He exited the room, leaving Pitch feeling weak and wounded on the floor of the stable.

And in a kingdom far, far away, a sickly green mist began to enter homes, rolling from under doors and swirling in from cracks in the shutters. No one was prepared, and even Manny did not see it coming.

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