Note in a Bottle

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Narrator's POV
After Lost City of Atlantis

Jack sat at his desk, watching the candle flicker on his desk as he held a feather pen in his hand. His fresh paper was ready for ink, for which Jack was careful not to spill. The Black Pearl dipped gently with the calm waves of the night.

It had been a few months since he crossed paths with Annette, seemingly to have risen from the dead. Word had spread that she had became the Queen Anne's Revenge's new captain. She was both fearsome, and respected. Two things that Jack has never attained in his decades of piracy, and he was a little jealous. However, this never stopped him from loving her. Her absence was mourned on the Black Pearl.

Jack twisted the stem of the feather around in his hand before he began writing his letter to Annette.

My dearest Annie,

I am writing this letter after our last meeting in the Caribbean Sea. I know you're somewhere out there, far away. I hope this letter makes your heart remember me whenever you read it, so during our time apart we can remain together. Know that I am with you the only way that I can be until you're in my arms once again.

If I could only have this life for one more day, and I had the ability to turn back time, I would spend every second with you. I wish I knew then what I know now, and perhaps the pain of being away from you would be something I would never experience. My heart aches for one more moment with you. I don't wish to be without you any longer, and my judgement is clouded like the night sky, perhaps it's the rum. You know me.

If I could fly, I would fly around the Nine Seas just to find you. I would give up everything—piracy, the Pearl... you just have ask me to. Might take a few bottles of rum to oblige. I'm joking. I have treasured every instant with you. At night, when the stars light up the Pearl, I talk to the moon. I hope you're on the other side, talking to me too.

I feel as though I've known you my whole life. Your eyes were so friendly and familiar, as though we have walked together through many lifetimes. And I wish I could walk with you through this one, and I hope I can be with you in the next.

Like a river flows to the sea, darling, some things are meant to be. You and I are one of those things. I cannot help falling in love with you, me dearest Annette. Having you as my wife has brought me immense joy, even though we haven't spent any time together as a married couple.

I imagine that you are somewhere beyond the sea, waiting for me as you stand on the golden sand, watching the ships that sail past. I'd sail straight into your arms. It's far beyond the stars, and near beyond the moon. I know beyond a doubt, my heart will lead me to the shore soon, where we will kiss just as before. We will be happy beyond the sea, and never again will I go sailing. I will spend the rest of my days in your arms.

Perhaps the song will be sung once again in our lifetime. I'm a patient man. May your skies be red at night, and I wish you good fortune. Until then, I will be following the farthest star, sailing beyond the horizon. I love you, darling.

Until we meet again,
Jack Sparrow,

Jack waited for the ink to dry so he could carefully roll the paper up in a scroll. He sealed the letter with dark wax, pressing a stamp into it that had the letter J engraved in it. In an old wine bottle that Annette had left on the Pearl many years earlier, after consuming it contents, Jack put some dried up flowers that he found while cleaning out Annette's old room into the bottle. It took him a while to clean it out, because he was always under the impression that Annette would come back. Old petals of roses and lavender and frangipani, which is the flower of love in Hindu mythology, was put in the bottle. He put the cork back into the mouth of the bottle. Then, he use old twine to tie around the neck of the bottle, and sealed it with more wax.

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