Chapter 7: Atlantis

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I hopped off the ship, and slowly sunk to the bottom of the ocean floor because gravity was no longer a factor. The crew followed and they gently floated weightlessly until they landed softly in the sand. Once everyone was off the ship, we gathered together to approach the entrance to the legendary preternatural city.

We walked through an arch with the name of the city above on a cracked stone archway, and we kept walking further into the city. There was not as much marine life as I was expecting, just a few fish that swam away when we got close. Pushing through the water was difficult, and I kept having to brush my hair out of my vision because it kept floating up in front of my eyes. Everywhere had a slight blue hue because of the water, and despite the sun shining overhead, it was dark and cold.

I was suddenly pulled to the side, and I snapped my head to see Jack still gripping my arm. His braids and dreadlocks were floating around his head, which reminded me of Salazar. He smiled avidly and said with bubbles coming out of his mouth, "there it is."

I peered past a statue we were hiding behind to see a pile of glimmering gold, which I disdained. Just as I had the natural urge to race to the treasure, Jack pointed out a figure that was protecting the valuables. He stood nearly three times as tall as myself. His shoulders were armored with barnacles and sea-shells, his skin was glassy cerulean. The deity had green hair, that of a marsh frog in both color and the impossibility of separating one hair strand from another. His body was covered in fine scales that reminded me of a shark. When he pushed his hair back, and I saw gills under his ears. He had a nose of a man, but his mouth was large with teeth of a shark. His sea blue eyes were dark and menacing, and he had hands and fingers and nails like the shells of a murex. Under his breast and belly, instead of legs, was the tail of a smooth dolphin.

"What's that?" Scrum asked while pushing his way forward.

"That's Triton," Jack answered, his eyebrows raised behind his bandanna.

"Triton? Poseidon's son?" I asked, "the son of the god whose trident we destroyed?"

Jack's face dropped and he hissed between his teeth before he answered flatly, "aye, that's the one."

"He looks much tougher than us," Scrum commented.

Jack snarled, "tougher than you."

I snapped my head to Jack. "Then why don't you go down there and confront him, big man?"

"Legend says that many people have died in these waters," Scrum said wearily.

"Well, peace to them, but I'm different," Jack said dryly.

"How do we get to it?" I asked. I turned to Jack and said, "here's your chance to improvise."

"I'm attempting it," Jack said, "you all think I'm a hero, and I'll accept that responsibility, but I cannot always be the brains of our escape heists."

Suddenly, Triton's neck snapped to our direction. We all immediately straightened up behind the statue in an attempt to hide, and Jack scrunched his eyes shut. I steadied my breath and saw the shadow of the Greek demi-god swim closer and closer. My heart was racing. I finally looked up, and flinched when I saw that he was towering over us.

I had frozen in my position as he continued to leer down at us, holding a twisted conch shell in his hand. His terrifying bright eyes were practically glowing out of his shadowed face. I elbowed Jack next to me, and I heard him yelp.

The man bellowed, "Τι κάνεις εδώ?"

Jack leaned to me and asked, "what did he say?"

I gulped. I did not want to look away from the demi-god as I answered, "he asked what we are doing here."

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