Month 15

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Month 15

The sounds of pounding rain outside had been a perfect white noise for you all night long. Even as morning crept in, you silently slept. The sound dulled out any other noise, even the sifting of your husband. But as you finally started to come back into consciousness... something came onto your mind that was making you feel worried.

You rolled over to check on your phone. It was nearly nine in the morning on a Sunday! You shook your head and then glanced behind you. The space between your husband and you were empty and your husband was hugging the edge of the bed, as he usually did. He was always a heat monster when he slept, so he often went towards the edge of the bed to stick a leg out and get some cool air on his hot skin.

But Bakugou's usual sleeping habits were not your worry. No, it was that you had woken up so late in the morning and to find no children in bed with you. Usually one or both of your kids would crawl into bed with you sometime during the night: be it a nightmare, a bump in the night, or just their desire to be with you and Katsuki. But today, neither were here.

You gulped, moving and shaking your husband awake. He groaned, no doubt wanting to sleep till noon. But after a few good shakes and threatening to literally kick him out of bed, he rolled over to face you. Only his tired, but still glaring carmine eyes and above were visible to you.

"The kids aren't here." You told him and instantly saw his expression change.

He was immediately out of bed and going to check on one of them. You followed after him, worry in your footsteps. You saw him disappear into Katsuko's room and so you dipped into Katsuro's room yourself.

The little boy was curled up in his bed, one he had only just gotten a little while ago. He still had to have a guard rail to keep him from falling out of bed, but he could get up on his own and had, therefore, helped himself into your shared bed with Katsuki nearly every night.

So with a gentle hand, you rubbed our son's back. He groaned in his sleep, a whimper coming from his lips. You watched as he slowly began to stir and once he was conscious, watched as tears sprung to his eyes.

Katsuro cried loudly, clinging to your hand. His nose was running and his cheeks flushed, the sounds of his cries were not as usual, as they sounded strained.

You immediately picked him up and held him in your arms. His wails quieted down in your embrace, but he still made cries of pain. Your hand flew to his forehead and you inhaled sharply. He was burning up.

It must be a fever.

You carried him in your arms out of the room and went to where Bakugou was with your daughter. As you entered the room, you could see Bakugou standing before Katsuko's bed, patting her back. She was laying her head on his lap, tears coming from her own eyes.

"Fever?" You asked him and saw him nod.

"What now?" He asked, a slight tremble in his voice.

"We need to see how bad the fevers are..." You started. "Where are the thermometers?"

You moved quickly, forgetting about the one year old in your arms. As you made your way to the bathroom, you saw the tough situation you had accidentally put yourself in. Katsuro was clinging to you for dear life and refused to let you go or loosen his grip. Because of this, you couldn't free a hand to grab the thermometers.

You paced back to Katsuko's room and saw your husband was in a similar circumstance. Katsuko was sleeping on his lap now, tears in her eyes. It was clear that Bakugou could get up, but he was also looking out of his element.

Expecting the Unexpected (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Domestic Pregnancy AU)Where stories live. Discover now