Month 18

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Month 18

The birds chirped happily as the morning ran its course, but the sounds of their singing were drowned out by another noise. A wailing came from inside the Bakugou home as well as the sounds of another crying.

You tried your best to smile, but it was hard with your two precious babies trying their hardest to get you to bend to their wishes. You looked towards your husband for help, but alas it seemed he was as clueless as what to do about crying kids as usual.

But... you needed to go. You needed to head out and get to UA before you were late. Summer training started today and your students needed you there to help them improve. So, you needed to get your adorable kids to let you walk out the door.

You maneuvered your suitcase between yourself and your approaching kids. Katsuro was crying, not wanting to see his mama go. Katsuko too looked about ready to cry, but more from anger than sadness. While Katsuro wanted you to stay because he was a mama's boy, Katsuko wanted you to stay because she was on summer vacation and wanted you and her to do things together.

"I'm sorry." You pleaded, trying to not fall for their baby doll eyes. "But I have other kids I need to help."

"Mama no go!" Katsuro wailed. "No!"

"I want to go to the park! Mama promised!" Katsuko stomped her foot.

"Your father will do all those things and more with you! Don't you want to spend the next week with your father? All to yourselves?" You reached.

Katsuko thought for a moment and then shook her head. "No! I see daddy too much! He's boring now!"

No doubt a statement she didn't mean, but it didn't ease the bruise to your husband's ego. You had to fight the urge to react with a laugh, knowing Katsuko would only act more so like that.

"Mama has to go." You inhaled and put your foot down. "Daddy promised to do fun things with you both. So come and give me hugs goodbye. You'll see me in a week."

Katsuko and Katsuro looked at you with tears. Katsuro ran to you, hugging you close and whispering incoherent pleas in your ear. You simply petted his head, knowing this would be good for him. He needed to be separated from you a bit. He needed to develop a relationship with his father more as well.

Katsuko merely crossed her arms and looked away. She clicked her tongue and refused to look at you or come near you. Bakugou gently pushed her towards you, but she didn't move. Your husband sighed and moved forward to take his son.

"Sorry. She's stubborn." He told you, kissing your forehead.

"I wonder who she gets it from." You kissed him back on his cheeks.

"You," Bakugou smirked.

You rolled your eyes and started to take your suitcase to the door. You waved goodbye to your family and soon were out the door. The sounds of your suitcase rolling away disappeared quickly.

Katsuko blinked, realizing you really had left. You were not coming back and she didn't get to say goodbye. So, she burst into tears and dashed towards the front door of the apartment, and ran out.

Bakugou stepped out with Katsuro in his arms. He looked down off the ledge and saw his daughter running up to you on the street. You paused from getting into the car with Momo and gave her a hug and a kiss.

She waved goodbye to you as the car left and then returned back to her father in her home. Bakugou rubbed her head lovingly and Katsuko sniffled sadly.

"Chin up, brat." He bopped her nose. "Ready to go to work with me?"

The look on Katsuko's face was enough to stop the tears that were threatening to spill more. Even Katsuro seemed curious as to what the day at his father's office would bring.

Expecting the Unexpected (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Domestic Pregnancy AU)Where stories live. Discover now