Fifteen Months

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Ch.22 - Fifteen Months

"To put it bluntly, unlike if you mess up on a test, out in the real fucking world... a mistake could fucking cost you real humans lives." Bakugou continued his lecture, making sure to cover all the things he had remembered from his time with Endeavor.

The guy might have been a shitty parent and spouse... but he had to give props to the former number one when it counted. And right now, when his own spouse had asked him to speak to her third years on major differences between training and real hero work... he wasn't going to pad the truth of reality.

The students gulped, sensing the tension Ground Zero was speaking with. Or at least most of them did. While unlike his own time at UA, these students had no League of Villains to make them grow up faster than he and his class did. But that didn't mean that the interns he had been looking over were ill-prepared.

Onishi and Kameko both looked to know this and were slightly nodding along to what their mentor spoke of. The Juba girl who was infamous for her two sports festival wins also nodded along. He could only guess whoever she interned for had delivered this idea to her before. Good... these kids needed to know it.

"Alright... that's the end of my talk." Bakugou looked around. "Any questions?"

No one rose their hands. After all, as vulgar as he was... Ground Zero always managed to deliver what he needed to say or explain without any lingering details afterward. And so a silence passed along until softly a voice rang out.

"Uppy..." Katsuko demanded, pulling on her father's pant leg.

"Say it nicer." He instructed her.

The almost toddler puffed out her cheeks. "Uppy please, dada."

Bakugou lifted his daughter up, giving her a view of all the students in the room. She eagerly waved hello to them all. The crayons and paper she had been scribbling on while her father gave his talk were still near his feet, but it looked as if Katsuko was ready to get some attention from beyond her parents.

"Hi, Katsuko-chan!" Hotaru called out, eagerly waving back to the baby. "What did you draw?"

Katsuko giggled, burying her face into her father's chest. She giggled sweetly and then looked back out at the students, only to hide again. A chorus of 'oohs' and 'awws' coming from the seventeen and eighteen-year-olds.

Bakugou rose a brow. "Hold on... did you shits pay more attention to her than me?!"

"Sensei had been telling us the same things since first year, Ground Zero." Onishi sighed. "We honestly thought you were here to hype us up for our final year... so when you didn't I think most of us spaced out."

Bakugou's eye twitched, looking towards Katsuko. "Your mom is gonna stop bringing you to class when she finds out you're a distraction..."

"Mama?" Katsuko blinked, looking for her mother. "Mama where?"

"She's not back yet from the teacher's office." Bakugou told her, seeing Katsuko's smile turn downwards.

"Mama!" She screamed, the tantrum phase starting again it seemed.

Bakugou put her down, knowing better than to try and argue with the fifteen-month-old. Instead pointing to an empty sheet of paper and telling her to color something else. Immediately distracted and possible tantrum avoided, Katsuko began to color once more.

"Ground Zero... can we color with Katsuko?" Kasumi asked, a few of the other girls nodding eagerly.

Bakugou sighed, seeing as he didn't know when you'd get back... and he might as well get the students to do something. Plus... it was near lunch, so what would an extra fifteen minutes hurt?

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