Bonus #7

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Bonus Seven - The Next Step

"I don't want to say goodbye to you yet, (Name)-chan!"

"I don't either!"

"I don't want high school to end!!"

You gently pet Uraraka, Tooru, and Mina's heads. Each was holding onto you tightly and fighting back tears. You merely smiled sadly, understanding their sentiments but also knew that it was time for you to go. You all had your graduation yesterday and spent the last night in the dorms together with lots of fun and merry times and retelling of old stories from the last three years.

But to everyone's displeasure, especially the other girls, you were the first one moving out today. Your dad wanted you to stay with him for a month while you finished tying the final strings with Aizawa and Nezu about your new student-teacher position. So, he had come early to help grab your things. You could tell he was excited to have you back at home and wanted to make sure to give him his own fill of having you around since you had not been the last three years.

"Sorry guys." You smiled sadly. "But we couldn't stay at UA forever. And I guess I'm the first one who's saying goodbye to this place."

That only seemed to make Uraraka, Mina and Tooru cry harder and you sighed. You had meant for those words to be ones that would get them to understand that you all were moving on... but it instead seemed to only make each get more emotional.

"Come on." Yaoyorozu came to your rescue. "(Last Name)-san needs to go. We all still have the class group chat and will keep in contact. We all promised we would."

The three girls finally let you go and you grabbed your last bag. You smiled sadly at all your classmates, who were about to become former classmates as soon as you walked out. Your own eyes watered and you jumped out towards the six girls who were all trying to hold it together.

"I'm going to miss you guys!" You sniffled as you hugged all the girls tightly.

"I'm calling you all tonight!" Mina cried.

"We need to get lunch sometime this week." Tsuyu hiccuped.

"I'm going to miss you crazies." Jirou tried to hold it together.

"High school came and went too quickly!" Tooru added on.

"I'm still going to send you all gifts on your birthdays!" Uraraka promised.

"We mustn't let this be goodbye. Its just a parting before we come back together!" Yaoyorozu spoke comforting words.

The girls all squeezed each other tightly and then started to pull apart. However, all seven of you stopped when you noticed the boys had all been watching the hugs and teary goodbye. You all glanced at one another and then towards the boys who were lingering in the common area, wanting to wish their own classmates good luck and goodbye.

"You guys!" Mina yelled at them. "Get in here!"

"Yeah! You're all part of our class too!" Tooru called out.

Kaminari, Kirishima, Sero rushed forward, hugging all you girls tightly. Then came Midoriya, Iida, Todoroki, Tokoyami. Next were Ojirou, Satou, Shoji, Aoyama, Shinsou and Kouda.

Everyone looked back to the only classmate who was still off on his own. All twenty of you stared at him and Bakugou groaned. He took a few steps forward. He knew after three years with these morons that if he didn't do stupid shit like this... you'd all force him into it.

Your entire class shared a group hug and shared tears: joy, sadness, excitement. Each was mixed into the sniffles and smiles everyone exchanged. You all were more than classmates. You all were a family and had lived through some of the most dangerous and traumatic experiences in your lives together.

Expecting the Unexpected (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Domestic Pregnancy AU)Where stories live. Discover now