Week 13

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Ch.4 - Week 13

There was definitely a different feeling sitting in the waiting room today. Last time he had been a guy who might be avoiding parenthood... now he was a guy who definitely had jumped headfirst into it. You sat beside him, now reading that damn parenting magazine with calm and interested eyes.

It was amazing what two weeks, lots of talks to make sure, and a few pep talks to oneself could do in the aspect of accepting and becoming familiar with the idea of having a baby.

Sure he was still unsure as hell as to where this decision would take him. But... Bakugou wasn't the type of person to micromanage every minute or plan in his life. While he had big goals in life, he was a wildfire in his heart. He knew he needed to leave ablaze in his wake, but he didn't care where the currents took his burning passion so long as he ended up with his goals accomplished and a rejuvenated land left behind.

So while he was still gonna be the best damn hero, husband, and cook in this world, he felt he had room to add dad to that list as well.

That being said, despite his confidence that had appeared in the last two weeks, you still wanted to go in and get another check-up. Apparently, since you were officially in the second trimester, you could get your first ultrasound now.

So another day off later, both of you were getting called back into the familiar office and meeting the doctor with the feathered ears. She looked quite proud of the pair of you for making the decision so quickly.

"Usually people wait till the last minute or break up... so it's nice to see a couple who actually talked it out and decided their choice in a timely manner." She spoke, starting to smear the cold gel onto your stomach.

You shivered, squeezing Bakugou's hand slightly. He rose a brow at this. You had never been a fan of cold things, maybe one of the reasons you loved holding his hands in winter or cuddling up to him on cold nights. He oozed warmth, and you loved the warmth.

"Stop fucking squirming." He bossed you, seeing you stick your tongue out at him.

"Stop swearing!" You whined playfully. "The doctor is going to think you're too immature to have a baby."

She rose a brow. "Him? Stable job, dedicated to his partner... and for the most part, mentally and emotionally stable?"

She chuckled. "Oh yes... a terrible choice to have a baby with him."

You laughed along with her as the machine whirled on to life. Bakugou merely clicked his tongue, looking towards the screen as the first images of this ultrasound started. The doctor, after ending her laughing fit, started to move around the x-ray portion of the machine.

"So... while I can make a guess at the gender this early on, it won't be very accurate. So, I recommend waiting for another two months until finding out, because I can tell for sure then. So, how about we make this appointment letting you two just see your little growing soon-to-be bundle of joy."

You nodded, watching from the corner of your eyes your husband. He was focusing deeply on the machine. So much so that he didn't even bother a reply. You smiled softly, knowing he was serious and maybe even a little excited himself. So without a word you turned to look at the screen yourself to see the baby.

"Ah! There we go." The doctor smiled, pointing and forming a circle around a blob on the screen. "Right there is your baby. You can see their head, and ohh! Look at that, it's a tiny forming foot!"

Your eyes were glued to the screen, watching with wide eyes, and smile as the feathered doctor pointed out more and more. And then captured a little picture. She printed it out, making a few copies that would fit into the pockets of pants.

Expecting the Unexpected (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Domestic Pregnancy AU)Where stories live. Discover now