Week 20

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Ch.7 - Week 20

Your husband wasn't the type to be of few words, or generally quiet for long periods of time. But on the rare occasions where he was silent, it was always because he was deep in thought about something or another. And the last week and a half had been filled with his sudden silence.

You held out a dish for him to dry, watching as he was absentmindedly drying a dish that had been dry thirty seconds ago. He really was deep in thought today, and like all the other days. No doubt over what he had told you happened at his office... but even so, you would admit that you never expected your gung ho love to be so stuck on making a decision like this.

This was his dream after all... having his own agency and finally breaking out of the top twenty he had been trapped in for the past three years. And with Midoriya and Todoroki nearly catching up to him, the pair in the top thirty, but not top twenty yet... you knew he had a lot on his mind as of late.

You had really tried to talk with him about this, but every time you asked to hear his thoughts or offer your own, he would get a bit defensive on the matter. Which, you didn't understand why he was getting so defensive over it. Always saying you didn't need to worry and that he'd make sure to have your back whatever he decided.

And you would also admit that after hearing these words on repeat for the last week and a half... that you were starting to get sick of hearing about him constantly say not to worry when you were not worried and didn't need him to be your sole protector like you were some fragile little doll.

Yes, you were pregnant. But no, that didn't mean you still couldn't kick his ass if he increased these overprotective traits all of a sudden.

What you needed more than anything from your husband right now... was to have him share with you honestly what he wanted to do and why he was having such a hard time making a decision you had assumed he would jump on right away.

"Katsuki." You spoke, seeing him blink back to reality. "I think that dish is dry... this one isn't though."

"Uh... yeah." He grumbled, taking the wet dish after putting the dry one on the rack.

"Are you still thinking over Jeanist's offer?" You asked him, shutting off the sink. "I think by now you might be overdoing it. And it's really unlike you to be so hesitant and not jump on the idea of something like this right away."

"Don't fucking stress about it." He shrugged. "You getting stressed is not going to help you, or the brat."

He pushed your concern and curiosity for him aside with such ease once more. But this time, it seemed he had done it one step too far. With a rather forceful slam, you placed the sponge on the sink edge and walked off.

Bakugou rose a brow at you, knowing that out of everyone he knew, you were more than patient with anyone and everyone. But he knew even you had a tipping point, and with the increased hormones, it appeared he had pushed your limits tonight.

He finished drying the dish and then set off to find you in the small apartment you both occupied. Not in the bathroom or living room, nor the bedroom, but the sliding glass door to the terrace was open. He found you sitting outside on one of the two seats, looking off into the city lights and passing people.

He took a seat in the other chair, looking at you with a frown. You didn't look at him, seeming to have decided on the silent treatment as his punishment. He was a bit glad, not wanting to accidentally make you burst into tears. He had never once in his life done that... and he wanted to keep that record.

"Hormones and shit?" He tiptoed lightly.

You turned to him with a quick glare. He forced himself to not react back. Time and age had taught him well that if you were upset with him... it was best to keep his mouth shut and see why you were pissed. As times before when he shot back right away and assumed things... always led to a bigger fight.

Expecting the Unexpected (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Domestic Pregnancy AU)Where stories live. Discover now