Week 33

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Ch.14 - Week 33

"Remember that they're just trying to compete for your praise." You lectured him as he was looking for his misplaced hero briefcase. "Kameko and Onishi are a lot like you... so, treat them accordingly to what you wanted to be seen and praised for at their age."

"I get it. Stop with the teacher lecture," Bakugou sighed, finally finding his briefcase in the closet. "Fucking apartment... still not used to where anything is..."

You giggled lightly, nodding as he finally was ready to set off for his day. Pecking the ash-blonde's cheek lightly and then wishing him a good day as he took his lunch from your hands. He gave you a quick peck of his own before heading out, ready to start this day.

The last week had been interesting... as internships had been in full swing. And your husband was quickly discovering how while both Onishi and Kameko were strong and capable heroes on their own... when put together, it was a disaster.

How did you even deal with the two hotheads in the classroom? He was truly struggling to not blow up at them himself, and he only had to see them for a couple of weeks before he decided if they would remain by his side, or not.

Thus far... the headache was proving too much.

He knew it was not just the two of them that was causing him stress though... as the entire past week had been out of the norm for him. Jeanist officially retired, and now he was at the helm. More paperwork, more lecturing idiot underlings... and now it was three weeks until the due date.

Bakugou ran a hand over his face. He was stressing himself out more than he needed to, he knew it. After all, Jeanist had already promised to be on the sidelines to still help out when the baby was born. And Fatgum was even giving Kirishima the time to let him come and help out at Bakugou's new agency.

You were fine. Eating healthy and not putting too much stress on yourself. In fact, you'd love the time this week to decorate the new apartment and set up the baby's room. You seemed a lot happier now.

He had a perfect support system. And he needed to remember that instead of trying to force himself to do everything on his own. That mindset had cost him a lot of opportunities already, nearly you at one point... and thus, he didn't want to resort back to it.

As hard as it still was to admit and ask for it... Bakugou knew he had plenty of helpful people around him, ready to give him all their support should he even allude to it.

His commute was quick. A single stop between his work and home. And thus, he arrived at the office usually within ten to twenty minutes. And as he opened the doors to the agency, he was greeted with the usual chatter that had been going on this week.

"M-Mr. Ground Zero, sir!" Kameko approached. "I made you a coffee! I hope your morning has been well!"

Bakugou reached for it, only to suddenly have the other intern approach. A sleazy smile on his face and nothing good buried in his eyes towards his classmate.

"I wouldn't drink it, sir... she fought the coffee machine. So I bet it tastes like metal..." Onishi chuckled as Kameko looked ready to sucker punch him clean in the jaw.

"At least I thought of Ground Zero and what he might like when he arrives!" Kameko smirked. "Unlike you who's been too chicken to ask for an autograph! Some fanboy you are..."

Onishi's eyes widened before they narrowed with a glint of rage. He stormed towards Kameko who had forced the coffee into Bakugou's hands before running off and away from her classmate.

Expecting the Unexpected (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Domestic Pregnancy AU)Where stories live. Discover now