Week 18

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Week 18

Katsuko sat on the couch, eagerly kicking her feet back and forth. She wasn't sure what sort of surprise her mother and father had for her, but she couldn't help but feel giddy. Maybe it was a new toy? Or a cat or a dog? Maybe they found out what her quirk was and were going to tell her?!

Katsuko nearly jumped off the couch as he parents came into the living room. Her mother was holding a little package and held it out for her to take. Katsuko eagerly grabbed it and ripped the packaging open.

Bakugou and you watched as she did so, glancing at one another with a smile. Today was finally the day. You were starting to show more and more, so time for your first baby to be told of the soon to be second baby.

Katsuko blinked as she looked down at the picture frame that was in her lap. It showed a drawing of her, her mama, and her daddy... but her mama was holding.... A baby?!

Katsuko looked up at her parents with wide eyes. You smiled down at her and Bakugou nodded. Katsuko inhaled a deep breath of air and put the picture frame on the couch next to her.

"Baby?" Katsuko asked you.

"Yes! We're having a baby!" You clapped your hands together. "You're going to be a big sister, Katsuko! Isn't that exciting?"

Katsuko was quiet for a moment and then slowly got off the couch. She looked up at you and Bakugou with a frown. You blinked, looking at your husband.

"I don't want a baby!" Katsuko yelled and then took off.

You and Bakugou followed after her, finding her in the hallway outside her room. She looked to be trying to get inside, but you both caught her before she could.

"K-Katsuko... what do you mean?" You asked her, worry laced tightly in your voice.

Katsuko whipped around. "No baby! Baby is bad! I no want a baby!"

You pressed your lips together, unable to speak. Bakugou noticed and approached his daughter. He looked at her and Katsuko stared at him with a harsh gaze.

"Katsuko." He spoke sternly. "We're having a baby."

That seemed to have really set her off, as Katsuko screamed loudly. Her feet banging against the flooring and her hands hitting the door to her room. You and Bakugou had to cover your ears from the sheer amount of noise.

"I don't want baby!" Katsuko screamed louder than the last time.

She stomped her foot on the ground and threw her hands back and forth. Her little face got quite red and her cheeks puffed out. She was teetering on a tantrum it looked like. Her little red eyes looked up towards her parents, ready to scream her demands again.

However, at the look her parents were giving her, she stopped. In most circumstances, it would be her father's disappointed look that would make her shut her mouth, but that was not the case tonight. While Bakugou was indeed frowning at his daughter with a look of anger and sadness, it was you that made Katsuko stop her little screaming match.

Your eyes were teary, a few droplets already running down your face. Your hands covering your mouth, trying to muffle your cries. Suddenly you turned your back to her and walked quickly down the hallway.

Bakugou watched you, his eyes now wide and calling out after you. You didn't respond, instead going into your shared bedroom and slamming the door shut. The hallway was quiet once more, leaving father and daughter standing awkwardly.

Bakugou was caught between a rock and a hard place. Did he go after you and make sure you were okay? Or did he try to talk to Katsuko and explain why her behavior was unexpectable. The trials of being a husband and a father.

Expecting the Unexpected (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Domestic Pregnancy AU)Where stories live. Discover now