Bonus #8

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Bonus Eight - Living Together: The Beginning

"You can choose where we put this. And this too. Hell... you can arrange this entire shitty place however you want!"

Bakugou motioned to all the boxes around him, watching you. Your back was turned to him and you were looking through a box of dishes and glasses that had come from your place. Next to you was another box of dishes and glasses, this time coming from Bakugou's place.

Though he should really say 'old place' for both because you two were moving in together today. Something you were still trying to be happy about. You were trying to be happy with him again.

"H-how about the bedroom? W-what sheets do you want to put on the bed? Do you want the left or the right side?" Bakugou asked you another set of questions.

"I don't care what you use or what side you take." You told him, picking up all the smaller-sized dishes and walking to the cabinet in the kitchen that would be where you would place them.

You failed to notice how Bakugou's fists tightened and he cast his look off to the side. You. You. Me. Me. I. I.

He hadn't heard a 'we' from you yet.

He knew why though. He just really hoped he could earn back that precious trust and faith you rarely gave others. The abandonment from your mother was the root of your problems connecting and believing in others. You had confessed this to him last year and he could tell at the time that telling him was you confessing your greatest insecurities to him.

But he fucked up two weeks ago. He fucked up really bad.

He was a damn idiot. A damn impatient, selfish, callous idiot.

You stood by him for these hard three years and loved him. You were always there to repair his ego when it cracked and bring him back down when it started to get out of hand. You had helped him with his fits of anger and convinced him it wasn't weak to have breathing techniques when he knew his anger was going to spark off. You had believed in him and his dreams. You didn't waver in dedication to him.

He did though.

He had tried to get you to essentially give up on the career you were working your ass off to achieve. Then to make matters worse, he fought with you on how he believed you didn't believe in him because you didn't want to drop all you had worked for, for him.

"I love you, Katsuki!" Your voice from that terrible night still remained in his head. "But asking me to give up everything for you... just proves you don't love me!"

His anger had snapped and he refused to calm himself. So, he screamed at you and you screamed right back. He only stopped when you had turned around from him a good hour into the yelling. He wasn't going to let you storm out when he had yet to get you to see he was right. So he grabbed your wrist and forced you to look at him.

His gut still was twisted. That face you had: puffy eyes, wiggling lips, eyes of betrayal. He had broken you. He had proved that you were right in your fifteen-year-old self's idea that no one could ever be trusted because they would always hurt you.

The one thing he promised himself to never do: hurt you.

"I won't ever stop you from following your dream, Katsuki." You whimpered out, rubbing away more fat tears that had fallen. "But... asking me to give up on mine- I can't do that. So, maybe we should leave things where they are here. Maybe... we should close the book before it gets any worse."

He watched you leave and huffed. He was still mad but was still consumed with his own ego so much to think you were being ridiculous. He'd give you a few days to mellow out, collect yourself and your wacky emotions, and then would ask you again.

Three days passed by and he picked up his phone. He dialed your number and waited for you to pick up. But... strangely enough, he got an automated tone right away. Not even a ring or two. No... he didn't even connect to your phone.

Blocked. You fucking blocked him.

Fine. He'd give you another day to not be so pissy with him.

He stayed blocked the next day. So, he made his way down to your university to see you and see if you were ready to talk again. It was his one-off day this week too, so you better be fucking grateful he was trying to find you when he should be resting.

He stood by the gate to the university and waited for you. He knew your classes usually ended in the late afternoon. So he arrived at three and waited. And waited. And waited.

Four. Five. Six.

You didn't enter his vision. But his phone had gotten a text. A text from you.

'I don't know why you came here today but I told you what was best for us. Go and write your hero's journey and I'll write mine. But, I think its best for us both if we let the other focus on our careers and not distract one another with each other now.'

The panic set in when he read that message. That sounded like... a breakup. No. There was no way you were breaking up.

He didn't do anything to deserve to be broken up with though! So you were being over-emotional and self-seeking. But fine. If his dreams would be better without you like you said... he'd fucking do so and make you regret not joining him on his ride to greatness.

Six days since he last saw you. Still blocked and not having spied you. His mood had fallen, so much so that Jeanist had put him on desk work this week in fear that he wouldn't be able to fight with his head in the battle. For once, Bakugou didn't even fight him back.

He missed you. Fuck he missed you so much. The two of you had been together for the last six years: three at UA and three dating, had never been away from one another for longer than three days. Even on long missions... you'd at least text to still hear from the other person.

He wanted to hear your voice. He wanted to feel you in his arms. He wanted to listen to your dorky laugh. He wanted to see that stupid smile of yours. He wanted to have that addictive and warm and light feeling back in his chest whenever he even glanced or thought about you.

All he got now... was pain when he thought of you.

You broke up with him. You were no longer his girlfriend. You would not become anything more to him.

For the first time in his three years of employment... Bakugou told Jeanist he was leaving work early and taking tomorrow off. The panic had set in. But he knew now... he knew as he dashed back to his apartment and thought everything over- he was the selfish one.

Therefore, he needed to be the one to show you he was going to be better and wanted you to be the one by his side to see him do so. But also... he now knew he needed to be the one by your side when you achieved your own dream. As much of a pillar to you as you had always been to him.

So, he threw those wreckless plans away and instead ended up at your place. But he got you back. Through apologies and tears of his own, he got you back. And you knew he meant it from how you had hugged him tightly and told him to hold his head high as even the strongest at times faltered.

He stayed over that night. And the night after that. The entire week after that fight, he only left your side if work called for him. He even rushed through his promotion ceremony so he could go back to your place and make sure you knew he was going to always come home to you.

Thus... his mind attached to the idea of you two becoming officially moved in and you agreed. So, here you both were: together, moving in, beginning a new chapter together. But... he knew the cracks he created were not yet filled in. So, he was doing all he could to show he wanted to be with you and wanted you to have as much choice in your shared lives as he could give you.

You didn't smile at him though.

That was the only difference. You would joke with him, tease him, give him words of support but it seemed as if every time you tried to smile at him or for him... you couldn't.

He shut his eyes and aggressively fluffed up on the pillows. He pretty much feverishly set up the room after that. Once finished and believing you'd like the way he set it up, he went back out to check on you.

He found you in the living room, crouched down by a box and trembling slightly. Immediately he was by your side and gently pulling you to look at him. Your teary eyes fell onto him and his heart stopped. Did you... did you hate this? Did you feel like he forced you into this?

You sniffled and bit your lip. Your hands gripped the sides of that box harshly and Bakugou's carmine hues looked down at the box. He nearly choked when he saw what the contents were: his sentimental shit. The stuff he had only ever let himself know about because he couldn't accept the idea of other people knowing he was a soft-hearted moron under all his tough layers.

"I didn't know you kept all this stuff?" You muttered, motioning to the items you found by simply opening moving boxes.

"Yeah." He blushed and tried to not explode as you looked through the physical photos from so many memories with you that he had printed after you sent him them unprompted.

They were not the only things that were in that box: ticket stubs to concerts, plays, and movies you had gone to, stupid UA memorabilia from his time there like that dumb band t-shirt he wore for that stupid cultural festival concert they did during their first year, and even little things you had given him that were small to you, such as that handkerchief you had used to wrap one of his wounds after a fight and told him to keep it as it was now covered in his blood. Now it was clean and resting folded in this box among so many other things that he felt foolish for having some kind of attachment to.

"You... weren't supposed to find that." He admitted to you.

"I wasn't? Why?" You asked him and he blushed even darker.

"Cause... I'm not the type to hold on to shit like this."

"But you did."

He shrugged and lowered his head. He didn't know how to explain it. He knew this stuff was old and worthless junk, but he couldn't part with it. It was as if all his good memories and happy times from before was that box of junk and if he got rid of it... he got rid of those memories and the feelings tied to them as well.

He blinked slowly as he felt your arms start to wrap around him. His head pressed onto your shoulder and hair. He inhaled that intoxicating scent that was you and tightly held you in his own arms. He didn't want to let you go either. He knew that now more than ever.

"I'm so fucking sorry." He told you again.

It had been on repeat since you agreed to take him back. The words became easier to say the more he wanted you to know he meant it.

"I know you are." You told him and gently run your hands through his hair. "I'm here though. So please stop being so hard on yourself."

"Are you actually fucking happy to be here though?!" He suddenly raised his voice and pulled away from you to look at you. "You want to be here right? You want to fucking put up with me, right? You're not forcing yourself too?!"

You blinked and Bakugou's eyes widened as a smile came over your features. That smile of yours that was soft and gentle and reflected your feelings for him perfectly in your eyes. Your hands moved to cup his cheeks and you pressed your forehead against his own.

"You dummy... of course I want to be here." You chuckled and then moved to kiss his temple. "You're here. So, I want to be here too."

"Even after I fucking-"

"You apologized, Katsuki." You told him and looked at him directly in his carmine eyes. "I know what it takes to for you to do so because you know you did something terrible and want to make up for it. You want that person that you hurt to know you feel ashamed of yourself."

He nodded and hugged you closer. You hummed and kissed his face in several different spots.

"I love you." You told him. "You came back. You wanted to be with me... that was... so important to me, Katsuki."

You chuckled and then lightly hit his head. "And besides... if I really didn't want to move in with you, why did I just do so?"

He grumbled under his breath and soon the pair of you were standing up. His hand in yours and you squeezing his hand tightly. You were here to stay. You loved him. You believed in him.

"Here." You giggled and passed him his secret box of soft memories. "Find a place to put this that no one else will find it. We want to keep that tough guy pride up, huh?"

"Yeah." He nodded at you but knew he had to ask you his last burning question. "Oi. Why have you been so distant today if you ain't pissed to still be with me or put up with my ass?"

You blushed darkly and chuckled awkwardly. He blinked at you, having no idea why such a look came onto your face. You coughed into your hand and then looked off to the side.

"I've um...  realize that since we're living together now-" Your face was as red as his eyes. "It means I get to eat with you everyday, welcome you home everyday and... sleep in the same bed with you every night."

Bakugou's eyes widened and then cackles of his own seeped from his lips. You glared at him and lightly hit him. He smirked back at you.

"Worried that I'm too fucking hot for your horny ass?"

"Bakugou Katsuki! Don't make me regret this and what I just said!!"

He knew now though. He knew you wanted to start the next chapter of your life together with him. And he wanted to live out the rest of his life with you. But... one step at a time. No use rushing something that was so good and perfect already.

Expecting the Unexpected (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Domestic Pregnancy AU)Where stories live. Discover now