Twenty Months

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Ch.24 - Twenty Months

"What that?" Your nearly two-year-old asked, pointing eagerly to the animal before her.

"Giraffe." You told her, watching as her eyes widened from where she sat on her father's shoulders.

"Raff?" She tried herself, but not quite there.

"Giraffe." Bakugou told her.

"What that?" She pointed to another animal.

"Gazelle." You told her, seeing her nod slowly.

"Gal elle." She spoke, earning a small chuckle from you on how determined Katsuko was to say the names of the animals, but couldn't get there yet.

"Gazelle." Your husband corrected, beginning to move to another exhibit.

You followed after the pair, the baby supplies backpack on you, as well as the map to the zoo. Katsuko bubbled happily, pointing at everything and anything, asking her parents to identify what she was seeing. Even though some of the things she pointed at were other people, who's quirks made them look a bit different than compared to herself and her more humanoid looking parents.

"Down! Down!" Katsuko called out eagerly, lightly kicking her father on his shoulders as she did so.

"Calm down and I will." He instructed her.

It took the little girl another minute or so to contain herself, but when she did, you could tell she was barely able to hold back on her excitement at whatever had caught her eye. Bakugou placed her down, instructing his daughter to grab onto his hand as she eagerly dragged him towards what she had seen.

A giant puddle of water from a fall storm that had come in was where she was going. The beginnings of September already letting you know it was going to be a harsh winter since the rain had started to come down all week.

Today was the first clear day all week, and as a result, your little family had decided to go to a local zoo and let Katsuko see the animals only ever seen in her books up close for the first time. To say she was excited was an understatement.

"Ko! Watch it!" Bakugou hollered, trying to stop his toddler, but she only managed to sneak her way out of his hand and stomp boldly into the puddle.

Bakugou sighed, shaking his head. You approached him, chuckling yourself as Katsuko screamed happily as she kicked up water. The jackets both of you had on keeping you warm and dry, and thus, you kept your distance from the range of the little girl with the rubber boots.

"It's not like she's going to be soaked." You muttered, seeing as you were right to dress your daughter up in the cute rain jacket and boots today.

Mitsuki and Masaru had designed them with Katsuko in mind and gifted the outfit as a present for her first birthday. At the time the clothing had been too big for your growing baby, but now she fit into the cute little outfit like a glove.

It was mostly a red coat with lots of white polka-dots, but the part Katsuko liked the most was the hood. As when it was up, it showed everyone the image of a cat's face. And her boots matched, seeing as the red rainboots had the same little kitties on them. And as of late... Katsuko had taken a major adoration for animals.

So wearing her kittie boots, coat, and seeing lots of animals she loved... made for a happy child. And thus, you and Bakugou were ever so glad to not have to deal with any tantrums as of late.

She was most definitely the child of two stubborn heroes, seeing as it was a fight with her about nearly everything as of late. Such as this morning when she tried to put her own boots on and put them on the wrong feet. It led to a loud unhappy scream when you tried to help, and thus... she was allowed to keep the boots on.

Expecting the Unexpected (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Domestic Pregnancy AU)Where stories live. Discover now