Week 10

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Week 10

The car stopped slowly, the driver up front announcing their arrival at the destination. Bakugou nodded to his personal driver, and then looked towards his daughter who was kicking her feet back and forth in her car seat. The ash blonde reached down and started to unbuckle her.

It was handy to be an agency owning hero, as it meant you were given a private driver to help you get around. After all... a hero as big as he really shouldn't be taking the subway to work every morning. Plus this way, he'd get to talk to Katsuko on her way into school every morning now.

Bakugou couldn't believe it. His little girl was starting pre-school today. Katsuko looked up at him, a small frown on her face. Bakugou ruffled her hair gently, noticing how one of her ribbons was coming loose.

"Hold on." Bakugou spoke, gently tying the ribbon back into her ash blonde locks.

Katsuko didn't say anything to this, nor did she when the pair got out of the car. Bakugou held her hand and walked into the building with her. The pre-school was decorated with various colorful drawings of animals, stars, and heroes. The building was small luckily, as the school only had three classes: beginner, junior, senior.

Bakugou looked for the door marked 'beginner' walking slowly so Katsuko could get used to her new environment. She'd be spending a lot of time here now. Between his working schedule, your school schedule and Katsuko being too old to be brought to class with you... it was time for this next big step with the two year old.

Mitsuki had been vocal about starting Katsuko early, as she was showing signs of quick development and thus needed to start sooner than later. After a few months of searching and a good recommendation from Momo, you and Bakugou picked this high end pre-school.

Bakugou paused by the classroom Katsuko would be in. Before him were two other pairs of parents and children. His least two favorite pairs if he were to say himself. Katsuko peeked her little head upwards, curious as to what was making such a loud noise before her.

Her eyes gazed onto the scene of Hiroki and his father. Hiroki was gently petting his father's back as Midoriya hugged him close. Tears were falling from Midoriya's eyes and he kept muttered to himself. Hiroki was confused, but continued to pat his father's head and back.

Next to the father and son were another father and son. Yuuto and Todoroki watched the scene before them. Both with confused faces, but neither stepping in. It seemed they were more keen on watching and seeing what would come next.

The noise in the hallway was starting to get on Bakugou's nerves. Deku had always been a cry baby, but right now of all times? He was acting like he'd never see his son again. Plus, with how nervous Katsuko was about starting today, Bakugou didn't want or need Midoriya freaking her out any more.

Bakugou strode forward, using his empty hand to snag Midoriya by the back of his shirt. He pulled the emotional dad off his son and plopped him roughly away from Hiroki. Midoriya blinked, tears still dropping from his eyes.

"K-Kacchan! What are you doing?!" Midoriya sputtered.

"Bye, dad!" Hiroki cried, waving excitedly towards his father.

Midoriya looked back to his son in time to see his happy blushy face open the door to the classroom and enter with a skip in his step. Midoriya stiffened and then started to cry again, though this time, his tears were more in anguish.

"Hiroki..." Midoriya muttered. "You left your dad behind so quickly..."

Bakugou hit Midoriya with Katsuko's bookbag. The green haired male looking at his own childhood friend with his emotional face. Bakugou sneered at him.

Expecting the Unexpected (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Domestic Pregnancy AU)Where stories live. Discover now