Jack's P.O.V. 

( 1 month into tour )

It's been kinda weird lately. I haven't talked to Diana since last week. But I feel different. I don't feel myself. I feel like I'm slowly sinking into a sand pit and no one is noticing. I don't know how much longer I can handle  this without seeing her. She was like a ray of sunshine and now it's gone. The boys feel the same. When we do concerts we aren't doing it because we're living but because we have too. We fake smiling and it's not fun anymore. I feel that if Diana was here it would make things 100 times better. I need her here or else I don't think I'm going to make it. 

Diana's P.O.V. 

So it's been a month since the boys left and I can't say I'm happy. I miss them so much. We talk but it's just not the same. Today I stayed in the house not even wanting to go outside. I feel the urge to talk to the boys. I don't know what it was but I felt if I didn't something would happen. I grabbed my phone and dialed Jack's number because it was the first one that popped in my mind. I think the last time I talked to him was last week. Boy it's been a while. He answers on the first ring. 

Jack: * tired and nasally * Hello, this is Jack Avery. 

Me: Are you okay. 

Jack: Diana! 

Me: Face time me right now! 

I accept his face time and he looks horrible. Well I mean even if he looked bad he would still look good because it's Jack Avery but dang. His eyes had purple bags under them, his face looked old, and frankly he just looked like a zombie version of himself. 

Me: What happened to you? * shocked *  

Jack: What are you talking about it's me?

Me: Ask your manager for a break or else. 

Jack: You  know we can't. * sad eyes *

Me: Fine!

I quickly click off of face time but still have Jack on as a call. I got to Twitter. My parents will kill me but it's worth it. I post a tweet talking about the boys needing a break and suddenly all these limelights start to join my cause by commenting down below and retweeting my post. Jack's phone buzzes and he ends the call. 

( Let's see what happens. Sorry I haven't updated lately. I've been crazed in all the books I'm trying to finish or write. I'm just trying to make all my readers happy. Love you all and thank you for everything. It means the world to me. )

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