So today's the concert and I don't know what to wear. I will have to have ripped jeans it's a must. I just hope the boys don't get defended over my brother's jokes. I choose a big over sized sweatshirt and a cute blouse under the sweatshirt plus the ripped jeans. I bought a Why Don't We album months ago signed by Daniel Seavey. Not that I have a favorite it' just I had to choose one so I went with Daniel then I'll just get the other to sign it after the concert. Me and Jacob get in the car and I put in the Why Don't We album. I've been memorizing the songs since they came out so I know all of them by hand. When we get to the concert we get there 45 minutes early. Luckily there's not many people so I get to meet Why Don't We. I meet all of them but each time Jacob found some way to embarrass me like how he told Corbyn this. 

Corbyn: So you must be her parent. 

( My brother is old enough to be my parent but he's not. )

Jacob: I'm her brother. You must be part of the band my little sister has been screaming about for months. Literally. 

Me: * blush * .............

Corbyn chuckled at my reaction and hugged me. I'm glad he didn't take it weird probably because a lot of girls do this but It's embarrassing for me. Oh, and poor Daniel, I was so mortified I wanted to run away. 

Jocab: Wow you look like your 12 just like in your pictures. 

Daniel: Thank you. * more like a question * 

Me: * awkward silence * Um I'm sorry I've told him your n adult but my family seems to think the band is 12. 

Daniel: * smile toothy gap smile * It's okay plus it's cute when you blush. 

Me: * blushes harder * Thank you. 

Through the whole meet and greet I wanted to cringe because even tho each guy acted cool and chill I wanted to face palm Jacob so bad. Like come on, I'm never coming out of my room again. Luckily, Jacob didn't bring marsh mellow shooters so we weren't kicked out of the concert but I was still embarrassed. My cheeks were redder than Zachs and that's saying something because his are pretty red. I just wish my brother didn't have to pick on me right infront of them. What I didn't know is I would meet them later. 

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