( P.S. I don't think he's a giraffe but others do so I put it in. LOL! )

I start to run as they count down. Well there goes my life. I'm not that fast and plus they have Daniel who is built really well so he is probably really fast. I get to a big tree and start to climb it. I don't know if they will see me but I hope not. I make it to a covered, thick branch that I crouch on hoping they won't see me. I hear branches break, bushes rustle, as the noises got closer. I just hope they don't find me so I can go home. I never thought I would be hiding from my favorite musicians. Well they can't look forever so they will eventually have to leave to go to their next concert sadly. I won't forget these memories tho. Even if I did become famous only they would know about this. I don't want people getting in my beeswax or the guys. Wait,  just heard a branch snap at the bottom of the tree. Just keep calm and quiet. 

Zach: * a couples yards away * Whoever finds her first gets to pick her up. * yells *

What! Why would they pick me up. It's not like I'm going to harm them or something. Well that might be they're way of goofing around. Well I hope to get away before that. 

* Vibrating noise from my pocket *

Crap! Whose texting or calling me at this time of day. Zach.... that's who. 

( text convo )

Zach: Where are you? 

Me: Can't tell you. 

Zach: Why not. I thought I was your favorite. 

Me: I don't have a favorite but like you guys equally. 

Zach: Where R U! 

Me: You wouldn't have to be asking me if you guys didn't make me play a game of hide in seek in the forest against you guys with one of me. 

Zach: I'm going to find you. 

Me: That doesn't sound creepy at all. 

Zach: I'm gonna find you. 

Me: None of you are going to find me so give up. Bye. 

( end of text convo )

Well it's getting to be later in the afternoon. Plus it's like going to be sunset in like 30 minutes. I should call my mom and say I'm gonna eat out and then go home and chill. 

( A/N Hey peeps, don't know if you like my book but I just added this for some more funny moments. I don't know if this would actually happen if I met them during a walk or not. Keep reading and here's your chance to vote. Do you think I should keep the book as me and them as friends or should I fall in love with one of them? Love y'all and hope you have a good day. )

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