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Once we had reached the cell, Mr.Gotz was already gone. They instructed me to change into the clothes immediately, and escorted me once again to another room.

Now I was sitting in a room that was much similar to the one I was held captive in; except that there were 2 neat rows of chairs aligned in the middle and I was sitting in one of them. No one was in there besides myself.

The chairs were wooden and painted white. This whole place was starting to give me a headache; with their one colour palette scheme. They obviously had never heard of other colours besides purple and white.

I fidgeted as I sat there. First, I played with the material of my t-shirt. I tried to study the sewing details to pass time. After that, I gave up being interested and just let a long big sigh as I stretched my legs.

Rosie and the others could survive without me for a few days. I was sure they weren't going to trap me in here forever. Even if it kills me, I will find a way out of this psychotic place.

My eyes squeezed shut as I made a silent promise to myself.

All of a sudden the massive door clicked open. My eyes darted towards the 3 individuals that filed in with not so much than a second glance at me.

Two of them were girls. One of which I recognized almost immediately. She was the girl that had appeared flustered when she was exiting the room in the hallway. I tried to catch her gaze but she kept her head down as she took a seat in a chair that was in front of me. The other girl was visibly nervous. Her hands were shaking so hard as her long tangled auburn hair masked her pale face. She choose to sit on the opposite end of the front row from the other girl.

The last person that came in, was none other than a boy who had blonde hair and striking blue eyes. His behaviour sharply contrasted the rest of us. He seemed almost optimistic as he took a seat in the same row as me. Even so much as to glance sideways to shoot me a silent smile as he rested his head on top of his propped hands. It was like he was casual hanging out in his own living room, instead of this underground horror house.

I thought we were all going to have to sulk in this awkward and sullen atmosphere until a man I didn't recognize came into the room seconds later. He didn't look the least bit unusual. Until his full body came into view that I saw he was missing the top part of his left ear. By now, nothing strange even fazed me. I barely batted an eyelash.

The man didn't sit down like the rest of us. Instead, he stood in the front of the room and held his arms behind his back. Something about him made me feel nervous. Was it the way he lingered over everyone's face seconds longer than it was comfortable to do so? Or was it because of the look that seemed to be permanently etched on his face. The kind of look that you would expect from one of those drugstore cowboy creeps that hung around convenience stores.

"I'm sure you trainees already know why you're here." He started speaking, in a rather deep voice.

No one said a word or dared to even move.

"I will be leading you along for your monthly training to make sure everyone is still doing their job correctly."

I noticed the tone of his voice once he had started speaking. It was like he was barely interested in what he was saying. He couldn't have cared less if anyone here killed someone or did anything wrong.

Then his gaze shifted towards me and I could already feel my comfort level slip away.

"We have a new person joining us today.. you can choose to help her out," he looked at me for no more than 2 seconds before turning his back to us to open the door, "or whatever."

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