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Suddenly everything seemed to fall in place, and plot holes weren't missing, but I still have a list full of questions. 

Harry or experiment #35 (I preferred Harry) wasn't hiding out in our shed because someone was after him, or because he ran away from home. They had left him here to slowly die on his own. That also meant he wouldn't need me to give him showers anymore, and he wouldn't have to follow me around like a helpless puppy forever. 

I still hoped that maybe everything Mr.Gotz was telling me, wasn't true. It was hard to digest all of this information, I couldn't even properly comprehend everything he was saying.

Secret tests on children? Drugs? And the odd thing was, I wasn't even afraid of this man in the lab coat anymore, which should've been the exact opposite. Maybe I could still report him to the police for trespassing? Something told me that he was the kind of man who could maneuver his way out of anything.

Just as I was about to question his identity, Edgar's expression lit up and he turned around to snap open his briefcase. "Now I remember why I came here!"

He mostly had a bunch of paperwork scattered in his briefcase, and a couple pens rolling around in there. Nonetheless it was almost empty, and I questioned why he even needed to lug that huge thing around when all he was going to carry was feather weight papers. 

Taking out a folder, he preceded to hand it over to me. "Do you mind helping me on this?"

I flipped open the folder and was immediately greeted with a very badly taken photo of a little dark room. I had to squint my eyes just to make out what I was even looking at.

"I was sent here to look for this room to obtain a couple missing files required for a diagnostic test." 

The photo was of a very grainy dark room. I could only make out a bed pushed to the side of the wall, and a single fluorescent lightbulb hanging from the ceiling. The walls were exposed bricks, and the floor seemed to still be concrete. It gave me the heebie-jeebies. What was that room supposed to be, a jail cell?

I shook my head. "We definitely do not have that kind of room in this house." 

Not that I know of anyways.

Edgar raised a questioning eyebrow. "Are you sure?"

"Positive!" Well, almost positive. 

"I'm sorry, but I must disagree with you." He stated, before taking the folder out of my hand and making his way up the stairs. If he was going to disagree with me, why bother asking in the first place if he knew? 

"Where are you going?" I asked, before getting up and tugging Harry along. He happily obliged and followed adamantly behind me. 

We followed Mr.Gotz towards the main hallway, and watched him enter the coat closet. 

"There's nothing in there." I said, as I watched him touch the walls inside of the small closet.

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