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My teeth started to chatter a little bit, so I started to keep on walking. I wasn't really sure where I was heading, but I just wanted to keep moving to stop myself from freezing to death.

After Harry had touched me out of nowhere, I felt the need to distance myself a little bit further away. He was walking 20 centimetres behind me, and every time I glanced behind my back to check on him, I would always catch him staring at me as he followed. He didn't even try to be the least bit un-obvious about it either, so every time I turned around I quickly turned my head to the front again, there was something unsettling about those green eyes.

There was a small part of my brain that was nagging me for being so carefree about my safety. I barely knew him, yet it seemed that in the span of a couple of hours I've already done so many things with him that I've never even done with my friends before! Giving him a shower, seeing him half-naked, and holding his hand. Yes, I'm guilty for not ever having a boyfriend. Blame my hectic home schedule and all the uninteresting boys in my old hometown. Sometimes I was afraid I was just going to die as an old lady with 50 cats, then be terminated from my apartment since I own 50 cats, so maybe I was going to be an homeless old lady. There really wasn't much to my future.

It was a miracle I could even process my thoughts in this kind of weather. The jacket I was wearing, along with a heavy scarf and hat seemed to do no good. It made me question whether Harry was even human. How could ANY normal person still be able to function in this kind of weather?! Yet alone wear nearly nothing and just have a thin towel hanging around his body.

I turned around again, as I usually did every 5 minutes, just to check up on him, incase he froze over and fell on the ground as a frozen popsicle stick.

My eyes were met with nothing but evergreen trees and the gravel path. Where did he go?

My head turned to the right and I was able to easily spot him. He had somehow wandered off the side of the road into the evergreen forest.

"Harry! What are you doing!" I shouted out after him.

Should I follow him? Or should I not? Then again, I wasn't about to walk all by myself so I opted to follow my first option.

"Hey! What are you doing?" I caught up to him and waved my gloved hand in front of his face.

A tree branch nearly whacked me in the face as I followed him, these evergreens pine needles were starting to get on my nerves.

"Anyone home?" I waved it again, while still walking besides him. It was like he was in some kind of trance.

His hair was no longer wet, and somehow he had managed to tie the towel into a secure toga. His green eyes were staring straight ahead, as if he couldn't hear my voice. Then I looked down at his feet, and just realized he wasn't even wearing shoes (as you can tell, I sometimes lacked common sense).

I grabbed onto his (not even the tiniest bit cold) arm and tried to get him to stop walking ahead. "You're going to scratch up your feet if you keep on walking!"

I began to panic the more he kept on walking, the broken branches on the ground were bound to cut the soles of his feet. Tons were snapping underneath my combat boots, and I prayed that none were too sharp.

I tried to pull him back, or at least get him to stop moving. "Where are you going?!" I kept on shouting at him, but it was like I was talking to virtually no one and it felt like I was all by myself.

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