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On the walk home, I remained persistent with asking him questions while he held up my hand, making sure the blood didn't get anywhere. I wasn't the least bit concerned for the blood that was gushing out the palm of my hand, but more of that fact that Harry could now talk. I still couldn't fully wrap my head around that fact. His voice was rough and dusky, kind of like black coffee with no sugar.

"Quick, tell me what you see over there!" I pointed at a nearby tree with my free hand.

Harry was much too absorbed and worried over my hand, but answered me anyways. "A tree."

I was afraid this was just a figment of my imagination acting up, so the whole way back home, I continued to quiz him on whatever I saw.

"What's that?"


"What's that?"

"My nose."

He wasn't the least bit annoyed by my over-energetic manner, in fact he seemed almost amused by my interest.


Once we made it back home, that's when the pain of the cut dawned on me. Harry seemed to realize the change in my mood so he quickly scoured the cabinets and drawers for a first aid kit.

Rosie and Zack ran over from the living room once they heard the door slam shut and noticed my cut.

"Ewwww!" Rosie scrunched up her face in disgust. "How did you get that cut?"

"I tripped on the sidewalk." I answered. Then suddenly I lit up and faced Zack and Rosie with an enlightened smile. "Guess what?"

"What?" They both chorused back.

"Harry can talk now!"

Zack was the first one to react out of the two. "No way! That means he can help me out with my homework!"

They both ran off to pester Harry with questions as he tried to find the kit while I sat back with a grin still plastered on my face despite the throbbing pain I felt from my hand.

After Harry carefully cleaned out the hand wound and bandaged it, I dragged him into my room and locked the door.

"I have so many questions for you!" I didn't try to hide my excitement that I was finally getting a chance to take a look into his past.

"Okay.." He gave me a sheepish grin and crossed his legs in the middle of the room.

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