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I eyed the cooked squirrel with a squirm-ish feeling in my stomach. It was either this, or starve for the next couple of hours. And I really couldn't afford to miss another meal, no matter how bad it was.

Harry had somehow managed to perfectly roast the squirrel  over the fire, after finding a thin tree stick to poke it through and skinning it. I was very skeptically about where that branch came from, but decided to ignore it. He had also managed to not burn down this whole forest or himself thus far, so I had a feeling he was much smarter than he was letting on. 

"I bet this squirrel has some sort of disease." I murmured out loud, to no one in particular. I glanced over at Harry, silently hoping that he would somehow miraculously run to the nearest convenience store and come back with normal food. But instead he was just happily enjoying his own squirrel, biting into it quietly and looking past the trees. 

I eyed him, warily. He looked like he was enjoying it, so it couldn't be all that bad. Here goes nothing. I pinched the bridge of my nose and shut my eyes, bringing the stick closer to my mouth and took a small nibble.

Chew. Chew. Swallow. "Huh..It tastes like chicken." I exclaimed in sheer fascination. No wonder Harry was eating up a storm over there. It was a bit tasteless, but what was I expecting? It wasn't necessarily a stuffed turkey, but it also wasn't a dry sandwich with one piece of ham stuck in-between, so I was grateful. 

I ended up licking the bone clean since I was so hungry and almost wanted another one. Then realized it probably wouldn't be too sanitary to eat so many. 

Suddenly my head snapped up, I realized something very important. Today was monday. 

School started.

"FUCK!" I cursed out loud and quickly scrambled to my feet, wiping my hands onto the nearest tree. The new school year has already started and I'm already behind! There was no way I could tell what time it was right now, or how in the world I would get there. I was supposed to take the nearest bus to school, but the bus requires money, and I didn't have any money on me. Only a couple lint pieces in my jacket pocket and an old folded up grocery list. Not to mention that all of my school supplies and my backpack were also at home.

The panic I had felt from last night came rushing back and it made feel nauseous. Or maybe that was from the squirrel. 

I ran over to face Harry and started to shake his shoulders, hoping he'll understand me. My eyes were wild and my hands were cold, even inside the glove. 

"We have to head back home, now!" I made sure to look at him eye to eye, and spoke slowly, just to get my message across easier. For a second I didn't want to let go because his shoulders felt so warm and nice, but decided against it.

It seemed like he understood what I said as he jumped up and threw the squirrel bones off to the side. Wiping his hands on his "toga", he preceded to turn and walk exceedingly and uncharacteristically fast, to the right.

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