Part 11

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Cheri was home, when Lindsey returned from Stevie's. However, they didn't share a word for the following two days. Cheri was deep in her thoughts and Lindsey just didn't want to bother her, knowing that he was most definitely in the wrong. So, as usual, he spent his time in the studio. He mostly worked on Stevie's songs, since she'd been the last one to join. His and Christine's tracks were pretty much done. Lindsey also thought about his relationships with two different women. He knew,  for his own mental stability, he had to choose Cheri. On the other hand, he was still having an incredibly tough time staying away from Stevie. He wasn't sure, where that pull had come from, considering the past few years they weren't even talking much. But it was there and it was strong. 

A knock on the door captured Lindsey's attention. He turned to look and saw Cheri. He thought, she seemed nervous, which in turn made him worried as well.

"Don't just stand there." Lindsey gave her a weak smile and Cheri came in, looking around, unsure of what to say or do. "So..."

"Lindsey, I can't do this with you." She decided to be straight with him. "I know, I'm young and naïve in so many ways, but I'm not an idiot."

"Of course, you're not." Lindsey stood up and took her hand, he walked them over the couch to take a seat. "Nobody says that you are."

"No, but..." She sighed. "Nobody really has to say it. I trusted you. I believed that your feelings for me are sincere. I kept ignoring that voice in my head, I chose to ignore the fact that you're cheating on me. But I can't keep going like this."

Since Stevie had announced it to everyone in the room that they were having an affair, there was no point in lying, Lindsey thought. "All I can say is that I'm sorry. It's just... you know... There's a lot of history between Stevie and I. Most of the time we just fight, but I can't deny it nor can she that there's still a lot of love there. We've known each other since we were teenagers, we've been each other's rock for many years. At one point, we truly only had each other and... things like that just don't go away, they don't disappear."

"How do you imagine it makes me feel?" Cheri asked, pulling her hand away, she folded her arms over her chest. "I love you, Lindsey, I do, but I'm not going to turn a blind eye. I want you, I want so much with you, but I'm not going to share you with another woman. Especially, not the one, whom you still have feelings for. You can't expect to spend the day with me, then go to her for the night. That's just not going to work. You can't have us both."

"That's the thing, Cheri." Lindsey sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I don't have Stevie. It's a sick, twisted game we're still playing, but she doesn't want me the way you do. She didn't want to be my wife, my girlfriend. She didn't want to have a family with me. She just... she just wants me some of the time, knowing that I will leave eventually."

"That's not healthy, Lindsey. Can't you see, what she's doing to you? Before she joined the rest of the band for this album, you were so sweet and loving to me. Then it all went away. You two have an argument, she slams the door and leaves, but you take out your frustration on me." Cheri emphasized, her eyes brimmed with tears. "This is so fucked up, can't you see?"

"I know. I know!" Lindsey got back on his feet to grab the unfinished bottle of whiskey. "But Stevie and I talked." He continued, pouring the alcohol into a glass. "We're going to try and behave. No more arguments."

"Did you discuss not fucking each other anymore, too?" 

With his eyes on Cheri, Lindsey downed the whiskey in two big gulps, making a face, feeling the burn in his throat. "That stops, when we're done recording."

"Oh, so as long as she comes over to finish her songs, you two will-"

"No! That's not what I meant." Lindsey shook his head, refilling his glass. "I mean, when we're not around each other, there's nothing going on."

"And when the tour starts? When you're in each other's presence again?" Cheri scoffed. "Lindsey, I'm telling you this again and for the last time. A relationship involves two people. I don't care that you can't keep your hands away from each other. I won't be in this mess."

"You're making me choose now?"

"Yes, that's exactly, what I'm doing." Cheri nodded. "It's either her or me."

"Wait! Can we just-"

"No, Lindsey." Cheri interrupted, already halfway out the door. "I said, what I've wanted to say. Now, it's up to you. Either you pick me or you pick her."

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