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Jay's POV

"Where is she?!" "Hank, Hank, we need you to calm down." I hear Ethan say when I manage to walk inside.

"You don't tell me to calm down when my daughter is in here!" Hank yells back.

I push Hank back in a attempt to keep him from hitting Ethan, "Okay, alright, let's all just take a breathe. Ethan is there any word?"

"I don't know anything yet, but trust me Hank, as soon as I know anything about her condition, you will know too."

"Don't you ever do that to me again!" Hank pushes me away. Walking up to Hank so that directly in his face, "Or what Hank? We can't do anything right now except to stay calm and not kill each other."

"Hey! Break it up guys! We can't fall apart now, we need to stay strong." Kev says as Adam and Hailey pull us apart.

"Any word?" Kim asks as soon as she sees us in the waiting room.

Stepping away from the rest of the team, I sigh deeply, "Not yet Kim." I say sitting down. I feel a hand on my shoulder, "She's a strong girl Jay, she'll get through this." Kev says.

I give him a weak smile, "Thanks Kev. I just can't stop thinking about what happened. We had it all covered Kev."


"He's into different things, but mainly he's into the drug business." Kenny says.

"What has you all bent out of shape?" I hear Hailey's voice come through the doorway. "What?"

She points to my hands that's in fists. "Oh." I say looking back at her, "This guy." Is all I say pointing through the glass pointing into the integration room with Hank and Sophia.

"I've seen her in action on the field, trust me, she can handle this idiot. Anyways Voight is in there. He's not letting anything happen to her." "Thanks Hailey." I smile softly at her.

Sophia's POV-Present Time

Where am I? It's dark and cold. I can't move.

Where is that beeping coming from?

"No, don't do this. Fight, you're a fighter Soph. Lord knows you've given Hank hell growing up."

"Hello?" Finally being able to move.

"Hello child." A mysterious figure called out to me. "Where am I?" "You are in a place that is neither here or there.

"Okay, that doesn't make sense." I say walking toward the figure. "Mom?"

"Hi sweetheart." Embracing her in a big hug. "Hi mom." I say sobbing on her shoulder. "Are you still giving your dad a hard time?"

"Would you know if I were lying?" I giggle. "Absolutely." She says with a smile.

"Wait, does this mean I-I-I'm dead?"

3 Hours Earlier:

"Francis Ortiz CPD, open up!" "Francis open the damn door!" I say.

Looking at Kevin I give him a nod, with that I move out of his way, as he moves to break the door open.

"CPD!" Jay yells as he walks into the house. "I got your six Jay." I tell him with a hand on his shoulder.

"Stairs." I hear Hailey's voice behind me. "Right behind you Hails." I hear Kim.

"Living room clear." Adam says.

"The kitchen is clear. " I tell the rest of the team that's with us. "Do you think Kenny lied to us to help Francis run?" Kev asks me.

"I don't he'll be that stupid." I say shaking my head looking towards some foot steps I heard. "Upstairs is clear too." Kim says.

My Knight in Shining Armor [Jay Halstead]Where stories live. Discover now