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Arriving at Med us girls follow Will to the girl. "Thank you for doing this. I can only imagine she doesn't want to see any males." Will says following our gazed into the patient's room.

"So why are you her doctor and didn't pass it to a female doctor?" Hailey questions. "Hailey.." I say to let her now she's a little bit out of line. She turns to look at me and with a sigh she walks off. 

Looking down at my feet Kim lays her hand on my shoulder, "Go ahead, I got this." I nod and sprint after Hailey. 

"Hailey. Hailey." I call after her, still no response and she keeps walking away. "Upton!" With that she stops and I manage to catch up. 

"I'm sorry, I had no business to do that." "You're right Sophia." Hailey says pacing around. 

"You know, just because you're Voight's daughter everything came easy and perfect for you. While others are working their asses off working." 

"You'r-" She cuts me off, "You have the perfect life-" Now it's my turn. 

Standing straight off the wall I correct her. "You think my life is easy. My biological parents were killed by a drunk driver. Hank and my father were great friends, he took me in. I was only a baby, he's the only family I know. My brother was involved with bad people, I rebelled out to try and be like my brother. That didn't work, then after a while Erin came and stayed with us. Hank and Erin became close and that kind of hurt, but I ended up getting close with her." 

Moving to take a seat on a bench a few feet away I take a deep breathe, "I understand what it feels like to get hurt and not really tell anyone." She finally looks at me confusion covering her face. "I've never told anyone this at all, so I would appreciate it if it stays between us." 

"Okay." She whispers out. "In New York I had a stalker. In which he eventually came here." "Is this that one guy?" "Yes. He was on our radar at SVU because he would rape and stalk his victims afterward. I guess I was to his liking and he started stalking me and showed up inside my apartment. Look, I know I may not have been in the same situation as you, but trust me, I've worked my ass off to fend to protect what I have and to be where I am now." 

"Did Hank know this guy stalked you?" "Not before he showed up here and arrested him. My godmother Olivia, seen how paranoid I had became, so she kept a close eye on me for the next few days. And so, after those few days Hank had called me saying that Erin was leaving and he had a spot open."  

"So you took it hoping that the paranoia will subside." Hailey comes to her own conclusion. Nodding my head I continue to look down at my feet. "Sorry to ask, but does Jay know?" "I don't think he knows, but Jay has always known when there was something wrong with me, even if it was something small." 

Taking in a deep breathe I stand up extending my hand out to Hailey, "What do you say we go back, and find out who hurt this girl?" She looks at my hand and into my eyes, "Let's get this bastard." Taking my hand, she stands from the bench. 

"How is she doing?" Hailey asked Kim as we entered the girl's room. "They had to take her into surgery, she had some internal injuries. Rhodes says she will make a full recovery." 

"Good." I look past Kim and at the girl laying helplessly in the bed. 

"So...is everything okay between the two of you?" Kim asks looking between Hailey and I. "Yes, yes it is." Hailey says giving the both of us a small smile. 


Jay's POV

"Hey." Adam says taking a seat next to my desk. "What's up Ruz?" I ask raising an eyebrow at him. "I have a question to ask you." 

"Shoot." "Okay so, you know how I want to ask Kim to marry me right? So-" "Wait you haven't asked her yet?" 

"No, not yet." "You do realize you told us you were going to pop the big question months ago dude." Kevin adds. Raising both of my eyebrows I nod my head agreeing with Kevin.

"Yes I know, things have been a little crazy." 

"So you got scared?" Both Kevin and I burst out with laughter. Adam then punches me on the arm. "Ouch, what was that for? I'm not the one who chickened out." I say still laughing. 

"Well for starters, someone here kind of ruined it." "True." Kevin adds. "Wait, what. No I didn't. I would never do that to you Ruz." 

"In your defense, you didn't know. This was before you and Sophia were a thing. Back when you kept denying you had feelings for her, and kept being rude and mean to her. Remember that one night at Molly's when she stormed off because you thought Casey and Sophia had a thing going on?" 

"Yeah.." I say trying to avoid eye contact. "Well, I was going to pop the question when she stormed out and I went after her because you were being a teenager." 

"Why did you keep bullying her anyway?" Kevin asks me. Looking around to make sure the girls weren't back yet and to make sure Voight and Platt were no where around us I explain, "Yes, I kept denying to myself the feelings I felt for Sophia. I didn't want to be that guy that just got out of a relationship and jumped right into another one." I stay quiet for a moment hearing footsteps coming up the stairs. 

"You guys have anything else to do?" Voight asks walking toward his office. 

"I was going to show Jay and Kevin some surveillance footage of the car jacking." 

I continue on when Voight closes the door to his office, "I was going to ask Erin to marry me right before she left. I mean I've heard Hank talk about Sophia and what she was like, I kept thinking she was really awesome, but I was with Erin." 

"Was that before the break-up, during her down spiral, or during the break-up?" Adam asks. 

Narrowing my eyes at him, I sigh," To be honest, I think I started getting a crush on Sophia while I was with Erin. I think that's why I acted like that towards her. I felt guilty that I had developed feelings for her when I was dating Erin. So when Erin left and Sophia ended up taking her spot, I wanted to keep my space. So Kevin, when you caught her and I kissing at the crime scene, I just told myself fuck it. I can't stop feeling this way about her." 

"Wait, the both of you kissed in the middle of a crime scene?" Adam repeats, shock covering his face. 

"Yup. And also, I feel like Voight hates me ten times more than what he did when I started dating Erin."

"That's because Sophia is my little one. She is the princess of my world. And I will hurt anyone who tries to hurt her, and I will burn this city to the ground if anyone takes her from me." Voight's ruff voice breaks our small group. 

"It's not that I hate or dislikes you Jay, you are dating my world, the only person who has my heart. Well, it's just you." Voight says the last part with a smirk on his face. 

"Good one boss." Adam laughs. "I think you may need some ice for that burn, Jay." Kevin adds walking to his desk. 

"Look, I won't hurt Sophia-" "That's what you said about Erin. But I know she was hard to handle. Just remember that Sophia is different." Hanks says squeezing my shoulder. 

Hello everyone! 

I'm sorry for this chapter, I feel like the start may have been a little off track. But at least we see why Jay was cold with Sophia in the beginning. 

How was everyone's holidays?  

My Knight in Shining Armor [Jay Halstead]Where stories live. Discover now