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Jay's POV

"Any changes?" I ask Kevin. "No bud, did you get any rest?" He asks looking a little worries for my well-being.

"You already know the answer to that Kev." Kevin gets up from his chair that's next to Sophia's bed, "You want some coffee?" "That'll be great, yes please." I sigh sitting down on the chair that Kevin was just in.

Taking Sophia's hand in mine, "Soph baby, I need you to wake up. I can't do this alone. I won't be able to work right."

"It's not likely that you end up worse than how you work already Jay." Hank smirks as he's leaning against the door frame. "Funny Hank, very funny." "You just have to laugh sometimes Jay, you know she would joke about her state too." He says as he moves closer to Sophia's bed.

"I know." I say in a low voice. "Have you been here all night again?" Hank asked. "No, I just got in. Kevin has been here with her though." As if on cue Kevin walks in. "Hey boss." Kevin says looking at Hank.

"Why don't you go to the bullpen and help out with the case, get your mind off things Jay, I'll stay with her. Kevin why don't you go home and rest up."

"Hank you know I can't leave her. Look I know you must be a huge fan of me being with Sophia, but Hank I love her. There's nothing th-"

Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder and that's when my Heart dropped. Loud beeping came from the monitor that is showing us a sudden fast heart rate. "What happened?" Will asks as he comes rushing in.

"We don't know, Hank and Jay were talking and I noticed her heart rate increasing." Kevin explains. "What's going on Will?" Connor questions. Kevin, Hank, and I all gather around her bed as we get yelled at to leave the room.

"Wait no, guys hold on." Connor tells us. As we stand in one corner like grounded children as we take in the sight of Sophia.

"She's waking up. She's waking up!" All of us came to the realization.

Sophia's POV

I wake up to a few pairs of eyes looking directly at me. I want to talk but I am not able to. What is going on?

Jay's POV

"Sophia no, wait. Don't talk yet." Connor explains as he walks up to her with Will coming into the room.

"Told you she's a fighter." My brother tells me as he walks up to Sophia to help Connor remove the tube that was helping her breathe.

"This is going to be a little uncomfortable okay." Connor tells her. "Okay, just don't try to talk just yet, I'll get you a pen and paper in case you want to say something." Will informs her.

Her brown eyes then are looking directly at my green eyes and I can see the tears welling up in her eyes as I feel my own tears coming up. "Hey baby." I make my way to embrace her as gently as I can.

"Soph I love you and I know you know that, but I think Hank needs to be the first one that you hug." I say looking at a broken Voight.

"Hey kid, you gave us a scare. How are you feeling?" She shrugs her shoulders in response. "I'll call the rest of the team." I say as I give Sophia a quick kiss on her forehead. "I'll give you guys a moment." Kevin says as he also walks out of the room standing next to me.


Sophia's POV

"Do you feel any discomfort there?"  I shake my head no as the doctor keeps moving their hand around the now healed wound. "Do you experience any type of pain when working?"

I hesitate to answer, "Miss Voight, it is important that you answer honestly." "You see doc, if I answer truthfully then you're going to tell me something that I do not want to hear. I have to keep working." "You've been working for the last three months." "Yes, and three months that I'm glad I'm working."

The doctor gives me a knowing look. "Okay fine, only when I'm chasing down a suspect. Basically when I'm running for a long distance." I said giving up. "That wasn't hard now was it Miss Voight?"

"You're right, I think I'm going to have a heart attack." I reply figuratively. "Well, I recommend that you take it easy and do not strain yourself too much. I will leave so you may get dressed. And we will meet again in a couple months.

Sitting up I give the doctor a thumbs up as he exits out the room. 

Getting off the chair and taking the paper dress off I hear the door opening. "Excuse me, but I'm getting dressed." I suddenly hear an all too familiar chuckle. "Jay what are you doing?" "Making sure you're okay." "Mhm, sure. I don't believe you for one second. You are always up to something."

"No, no I'm not." Jay retaliates moving his hands down the back of the paper dress on my bare skin. A small moan escapes my mouth as his hands travel to my bare stomach.

"Jay, we can't do this here." Jay's nose brushes against my ear, "Do what babe? I have no idea what you're talking about." He says as the dress falls to the floor, exposing me in my undergarments. "I'm just caressing my beautiful girlfriend, that's all." I feel him smile against my neck, leaving small kisses.

I turn around snaking my arms around his neck bringing him closer to my body, connecting our lips. He deepens the kiss, moans escaping our mouths. It feels like we are the only ones left in the world, until a knock on the door brings us back to reality.

Once I find a place for Jay to hide I crack the door open, "I'm still getting dressed." I say looking down. "No problem, we just wanted to let you know the date to your next appointment." The nurse informs me handing me a piece of paper. "Okay, great thank you."

Closing the door I look back at Jay who is laughing holding up my jeans. "Not funny Jay!" I tell him putting on my jeans.

After getting dressed and making sure no one is looking in our direction. "Hey I was thinking maybe diner at my place tonight?" Jay asked as we buckle up. "Come in Jay and Sophia." "Go for it Kim." He answers. "Are you able to come over to the corner of West Walnut Street and North Francisco Ave?" "On the way Kim." 

"Well I was going to say yes, but something tells me it's not going to happen." I tell Jay. 

As we pull up I see the whole team is standing in a small field. "Hey guys, what do we have?" "A hit and run. A witness says she seen a green sedan driving a little crazy, when they struck a pedestrian that was crossing the road." Hailey updates Jay and I. 

"Has anyone spoken to the witness, yet?" "I was going to go talk to her if you want to join." Kevin tells Jay. Jay nods and they both make their way to the witness. 

Hello babies! 

How is everyone? 

And 10.4K readers!! Like holy, that's amazeballs! 

Thank you everyone for your interest in the book! 

Xoxo, A. <3

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