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Jay's POV

Giving Adam a look of 'help me', he comes to the rescue. "Hey boss, you got something?" "Just having a heart felt talk with your friend here." Hank tells Adam narrowing his eyes toward me. 

"Oh well, I'm sure if you're talking to Jay then, I guess he deserves the talk. So I'm going to be over here doing some paperwork." "I think that'll be a great idea." Hank tells Adam. 

"Well my moral to this conversation Jay, do not hurt Sophia. Just remember that I have a lot of connections." "Han-" I am interrupted when the rest of the group hears the girls coming through the back doors. My eyes lock with Sophia's. She gives me a concerned look and I give her a small shake telling her that nothing is going on. 

"Where's the guy that you and Sophia caught this morning?" Kim asks looking past Hank. 

"He should be in lockup downstairs. Why?" Hank asks turning around to face the girls. 

"We might have something, and I think he may be involved." Kim informs us taking her coat off. 

"Alright, well, Adam and Kim go grab him from lockup. Hailey and Sophia fill us in." 

After a couple of hours pass by the whole team is spread out, each of our cars are in different spots. "I think I see our suspect, but I can't get a clear view." I hear Kev say through the ear piece. 

"What did you see Kev?"  I ask meeting Sophia's eyes.   Sophia is looking at me with her adorable big brown eyes and I can't help but to smile at her. She moves her hand to lace her fingers in mine. 

"He's wearing a dark green hoodie, it looks like he's with someone, but not sure who." 

"Does anyone else have eyes on him?" Hank's voice asks through the ear pieces. 

"I have an idea." Sophia tells me. "Does anyone have eyes on our position and the suspect?" She asks. "No, you're going to do what I think you're going to Soph. I say with a stern look. "I'm at a position where I can see the suspect from far away and I can see the back of the truck. What are you thinking?" Hailey's voice comes through the ear piece. 

"I have no clue exactly." Sophia says looking out the window then back to me. "Sophia babe, what are you doing? She moves her hand from dropping the ear piece in the cup holder to caress my cheek, "We need to I.D. this guy baby, and right now he's not moving, and someone has to do it." Sophia says giving me a small smile. "Then I'm coming with you. You're not going alone."

"Keep eyes on the both of us, we're going to pass by and give an I.D., Sophia and I are taking out the ear pieces. We'll give a signal." I say ignoring Hank's yells to get back into the car. 

Sophia's POV 

"Looks like it's a cafe." Jay says amused. "Would you like to go for some coffee?" 

I lace my fingers with his, "I would love that actually." 

When we enter the cafe and are waiting in line I send out a text to Kevin letting him know that we're in and that we would be sitting outside. Jay orders himself a coffee and orders me mine with a muffin too. Jay grabs both coffees and my muffin as we find a table next to our suspect outside. The man looks at us as we take a seat, giving him a small smile, I start a conversation with Jay so he can keep doing what he was doing.

"Thank you for the muffin babe." I say taking a bite from it. My eyes practically rolling back. In response Jay grabs my hand planting a light kiss on it. This would be perfect if we were in Paris, or if I didn't have the need to go sit next to our suspect. 

My Knight in Shining Armor [Jay Halstead]Where stories live. Discover now