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✍︎𝙶𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚗 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚍✍︎

✍︎𝙶𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚗 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚍✍︎

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Yamaguchi's Pov:

"Good morning!" I said, walking I to the kitchen, where my mum was.

"Good morning. Oh, hey honey?" She asked, keeping her eyes on her laptop.

"Yeah?" I asked, drinking a cup of water and grabbing my lunch.

"Has something happened between you and Tsukishima?" She questioned, as I sat opposite her on the dinner table.

“I...why do you think that?” I asked, looking at her.

“You guys always hung out in the weekends, and you always talk about him. You always call him and text him, even if he doesn't respond. But this week, you haven't done any of that. You used to sing in the shower, and the songs where about him. But you haven't sung in the shower anymore Tadashi.” She said, looking at me worriedly, and squeezing my hand.

“Well...me and Tsukishima just aren't on great terms, that's it.” I said, standing up. “ I'm going to school, bye mum.”

She nooded, gave me a small smiled, and waved.

I waved back and left the kitchen. I grabbed my school bag and volleyball bag, put my shoes on, and left the house. When I stepped outside, Tsukishima was no where to be seen. I sighed and started my walk to school. I need to get used to not being with Tsukishima at all times..

On my walk, I felt extremely lonely. I saw loads of people walking with their friends, and it made me feel alone and...forgotten. I breathed in deeply, and tried to keep my head up high. You're not alone Tadashi, you have a few friends.  I sighed and kept walking. 

When I got to school, I noticed Tsukishima and his gf walking together.  It didn't really make me sad anymore because it makes sense after all I mean, they are together. What did hurt me was how Tsukishima had his headphones off and he was talking. Laughing. Smiling. Everything he never did with me. However, seeing him so happy made me feel happy for him. Atleast one of us is happy. He looks happier with her, and that's the most important thing. 


"What were you doing yesterday? You usually ask me to hangout with you." Tsukishima asked, as we stood together during practice. 

"I was busy hanging out with Kags." I said, not paying attention to him. 

"Why the fuck are you always with him now?" He asked, in an annoyed tone. 

"He is my best friend Tsukki, I can and will hangout with him." I said, sternly, while still watching the small game going on in the court. 

"I'm your best friend tho! Not that arrogant king! You always walk with me, text me, call me and hangout with me! Why tf have you been so distant this week?!" He asked, raising his voice. 

"Maybe because all you care about is your gf now! All you care is about her! You didn't come meet up with me in the morning like you used too, and you don't walk home with me neither. You're always too busy with her!" I shouted, grabbing some of the teams attention. 

"Oh, so you're jealous? You're jealous that I can get a gf and you cant?" Tsukishima said, letting out a  laugh. 

"Yeah! Because you never laugh around me, never smile, never listen to me! Ever since we where kids, I followed you around like a puppy! You never considered me as a best friend! You liked the fact that I liked you, and used that to your advantage!" I started, standing up angrily, and grabbing Tsukishima by the shirt forcefully. "But guess what? I'm done! You're not my best friend Tsukishima. It's not like you care anyways, cause all you care is about your idiotic gf!" 

After I was finished, I threw him onto the ground and walked out of the gym. I heard people shout after me, but I kept walking. I need to be alone right now...

Kageyama's Pov: 

"What the hell just happened..." Daichi said, helping Tsukishima to his feet. 

"Yamaguchi just let all his feelings out, I'm going to go see if he's ok." Suga said, before running out of the gym. 

I looked around the gym, and everyone was confused and shocked. 

"I'm going to go see if Yams is ok too." I mumbled, walking towards the door. 

On my way to the door, I purposely bumped into Tsukishima, making him stumble back. After I was outside, I started to look for Suga and Yams. It didn't take long. When I was walking to check if they where in the club room, I found them sitting on the stairs. I felt guilt and sadness wash over me as I realise Yams was crying. I quickly ran towards them, and sat next to Yams. I patted his back, and he moved to the side and hugged me. He cried into my shoulder, while I hugged him tight. 

"I'll leave you two alone. Think about what I told you Yams." Suga said, squeezing Yams shoulder and standing up. 

"T-thank you Suga."  Yams mumbled, still not lifting his head up from my shoulder. 

I smiled at Suga as he waved goodbye. I then focused back on Yams, who seemed to be calming down. 

"I'm proud of you Yams. You stood up to him, and that's is a brave thing to do." I said, resting my head on top of his. 

"Y-yeah. Suga said w-what I did w-was good." He said, as his crying calmed down. 

After a few seconds, he pulled away from the hug and looked up at me. He smiled tiredly, and I smiled back.

“Come on, let's get our stuff and go home. Practice is almost over and, you look tired.” I said, standing up and then giving him a hand.

He accepted, and stood up. We then walked up the stairs to the club room. I only noticed that we where still holding hands when Yams let it go to grab his stuff. I felt my cheeks heat up but then I just focused on packing my bag up.

Yamaguchi's Pov:

After me and Kageyama got our stuff from the club room, practice ended. We said goodbye to everyone, and thankfully, no one questioned what happened earlier during practice.

As me and Kageyama walked out of the school gates, I saw Tsukishima and his gf smiling and laughing ahead. Instead of feeling sad and hurt, I felt ok and happy for him. I'll remember mine and his adventures forever; but it's time for a new one.

Author's Note:

Hey lovessss! Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Sorry if I haven't been updating much, it's just that I'm planning my new Oisuga story rn. I'll let you guys know when I release that story.

Don't forget to vote and comment if you wish, and see you next time! Love ya! ( ˘ ³˘)♥

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