Author's Note

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Hey loves! 

How are you all doing? I hope you're doing good! 

I'm very sad to say that this story has came to an end.

In all honesty, this might be my favourite story that I've written so far.  I think maybe it's because it's such a rare ship, and I took so much effort into making it feel like one of the popular ships, and that makes me love this story even more. 

I hope you guys enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

I will now focus on my ongoing Oisuga story and Iwasuga story. If you haven't read those, you should check them out. UwU 

Finally, a BIG thank you to ALL of you guys. All the comments, votes, all the support and messages; it really made my journey of writing this story better. You guys are truly the reason why this story is so good. It's because of all the support and love you've given the story. So, thank you from the depths of my heart. 

I hope you guys have a good day, and remember, this story will always be here to welcome you home; at any time. :)  

Healing The Broken Constellation~[Kageguchi Story] Completed✅Where stories live. Discover now