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ꨄ︎𝙸𝚜 𝚒𝚝 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎?ꨄ︎

ꨄ︎𝙸𝚜 𝚒𝚝 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎?ꨄ︎

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Yamaguchi's Pov:

As I felt myself wake up, I missed the warmth from last night straight away. I sat up on the sofa, and sat there until my eyes got used to the sunlight coming from the window. After I got used to it, I wrapped the blanket that was over me around my shoulders.
Where is Kageyama?...

Wait, holy shit. I almost burst into flames as I remembered last night. Oh my fucking god, I slept on his lap! I covered my red face is embarrassment as I walked over to the kitchen. I became even redder when I saw Kageyama busily making pancakes, shirtless. I was in awe as I watched his defined back muscles, that I would never have. I self-consciously put my hands to my stomach, where you could faintly feel my ribs. 

I've always been a skinny kid. No matter how much I eat, I just never gain much weight. I never gain many muscles either, so I'm just like...a noodle. I sighed and focused back on Kageyama. 

"Good morning Kags." I said, yawning. 

"Morning Yams. Lets eat since we have school." He said, putting the pancakes into plates. 

I nodded and we sat at the table. We ate in mostly silence, since we needed to hurry up. After we finished eating, we went upstairs into Kageyama's room and put our uniform on. We did that quickly and then we brushed our teeth and brushed our hair. 

Then, we packed our school bags, volleyball bags and left the house. We walked to school slowly, talking about all sorts of stuff. We were having a good time, until I saw Tsukishima and his gf kissing outside the school. I promised myself I was getting over him, and that I would leave him behind; but it still hurts. 

"Let him go Yams, he's not man enough to take care of your heart." Kags said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. 

I looked to the side, and up, to see Kageyama smiling down at me. I nodded and sighed. Kags lead me through the gates, and straight past Tsukishima and his gf. After taking a few steps, I looked over my shoulder and Tsukishima was looking at me confusedly. I looked coldly at him and then looked back to the front. Forget him Yams...forget him. 

------At Lunch------

Kageyama's Pov:

It was lunch time, and I was heading to the vending machine to get some milk. Yams and Hinata have already gone up to where we always eat, so I had to be quick. When I got to the vending machines, the salt guy, aka tsukishima, was there. 

"I need to talk to you, King." He said, in his cold voice. 

"What? I have things to do." I said, crossing my arms. 

"It will be quick." He said, taking a step forward. "What is going on between you and Yams?" 

"None of your business." I said, rolling my eyes. 

"Do you like him? Do you love him even?" He asked, looking meanly at me and grabbing my arm. 

"What if I do?" I questioned. 

"How much do you love him?" He asked, his grip on my arm tighter. 

"Enough to make him not ask that question!" I shouted, forcefully freeing my arm from his grip and pushing him into the vending machine. 

I looked coldly at him, and a glimpse of fear flashed through his face. He quickly fixed himself and walked away quickly. I breathed deeply and tried to calm down. I bought one milk for me, one for Yams and one for Hinata. I then quickly went up to the rooftop. I walked towards where the two boys where sitting and sat next to Yams. I handed them their milks, and we started to eat. 

Halfway through lunch, Hinata got a call from his bf, Kenma. While Hinata was distracted with his bf, Yams turned his attention to me. 

"Are you ok Kags? You have barely talked today." He asked, tugging on my arm. 

"Huh? Yeah, of course." I said, as I kept eating.

“I know you're lying Kags...” Yams mumbled, looking down at his lap.

I looked down at him and felt extremely bad. I hate keeping things from Yams, but I'm not sure if I should tell him about what happened between me and the salty dumbass earlier. What if he finds what I said weird?...

I sighed and tucked some of his green hair behind his ear. A stupid smile spread on my face as I admired the blush that covered his face.

“I bumped into the salty dumbass. Asked me questions about me and you.” I explained, while still playing with his hair.

“W-what did he ask?” Yams asked, leaning into the touch.

“He asked me if I loved you, and how much I did.” I said.

Slowly, Yams looked up at me. We locked eyes, and my hand that was supposed to be in his hair was now on his cheek. The blush on his face reddened as he broke eye contact.

“W-what did you reply?” He asked, gaze still on his lap.

“For which question?” I asked.

“Second one. The, ‘ how much do you love him’.” Yams mumbled, voice low.

I breathed in deeply and let out a chuckle.

“I answered, ‘enough to not make him ever ask that question’.”

Author's Note:

Hi welcome to, T-T-T-T-T-T-TARGETTTTTT. UWU
( I watch too many vine compilations. ;-;)

Anyways, DADDY CHILL! ✋🏼😩
( OK I need to stop with the vines.)

I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment if you wish. :)

Love you all, and stay safe.
* Does the Debby Ryan*
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

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