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♕︎𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙾𝚞𝚝𝚏𝚒𝚝𝚜♕︎

♕︎𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙾𝚞𝚝𝚏𝚒𝚝𝚜♕︎

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Kageyama's Pov: 

I helped my dad bring in his and my mums bags, and then I sat with him in the living room. My mum had gone upstairs like usual. 

"So, what did you do while I was gone?" My dad asked. 

"Well, I got closer to Yamaguchi. I don't know if you remember him though, you only saw him once." I said. 

"He's the one with dark, green hair right?" He asked. 

"Yeah, it's him." I said. 

"Right, right, How's Hinata? I remember you saying he got a boyfriend right before me and your mum left for the business trip." My dad said, thinking. 

"Yeah, he's good. Hey dad?" I asked. 

"Ye kiddo?" 

"I'm going to a party tonight. Can I take your motorcycle?" I asked. 

"Of course! Just don't crash." My dad said, laughing. 

I nodded and asked him how the business trip went. 

"It went ok. Your mum was...fussy and difficult like always but we will talk better tomorrow. Now go get ready and have some fun, ye?" He said, patting my back and handing me the motorcycle keys. 

I nodded, and went upstairs. I saw my mum talking on her phone in my parents bedroom when I walked past, since the door was open. I smiled at her but like usual...but she, of course, just looked coldly at me. 

I sighed, and got inside my room. I grabbed my phone, and went into the bathroom. I turned my music on, grabbed a towel, and took my clothes off. Then, I took a shower. After the shower, I dried myself with the towel and walked back into my room. I looked through my wardrobe for some clothes and finally decided on some. A dark, blue turtleneck, black, ripped denim jeans and a black, denim jacket over it. I attached some chains to my jeans and chose some black sneakers to go with the outfit. After putting everything on, I walked back into the bathroom. I dried and brushed my hair and brushed my teeth. I then turned my music off, grabbed my phone and left the bathroom.

I grabbed the keys to my dads motorcycle and walked downstairs. I sat in the living room with my dad for a while, and we even ate some leftovers that were in the kitchen. When 9pm came, I said goodnight to my dad and grabbed one of the house keys and left. I got onto my dads motorcycle, and made sure the spare helmet was there for Yams. I then started to drive towards Yams house. It took around 5 minutes, and when I arrived I gave him a call. 

After a minute or so, Yams walked out of the house. I felt my eyes widen and my cheeks heat up as I looked Yams up and down. Yams always looks so innocent...hard to believe he looks, oh, so beautifully wicked right now. 

Yamaguchi's Pov: 

After Kageyama left, I decided to have a shower. I went upstairs, grabbed a towel and walked into the bathroom. I took my clothes off and got inside the shower. Around 20 minutes later, I got out of the shower. I dried myself, and then walked back into my room, towel wrapped around my body. 

I walked to my wardrobe and started to look for the outfit Suga mentioned earlier. I remember when we went shopping together, and I bought that outfit since I really liked it. I eventually found it and put it on my bed. It was a dark, green skirt and a tight, black turtleneck, which was a crop top and had long sleeves. There was also black, thigh high socks, and black boots. I attached some of the chains to my skirt, and put on some bracelets and a dark, green choker. I put it all on, and watched my reflection in awe. I look awesome! 

After, I walked back into the bathroom. I dried and brushed my hair and then brushed my teeth. Then, I applied some makeup to my face. I chose some dark, green eyeshadow, black eyeliner and some soft blush on my cheeks. Finally, I put on some mascara and then put everything away. After everything was in its place, I walked back into my room. I grabbed my phone, and then went downstairs. It was 4pm right now, so I just decided to sit in the living room. My mum came home while I was showering, and she is working in her office right now. By the time 5pm came around, I made dinner for me and my mum. We sat for a while, eating the delicious food while my mum told me to be careful at the party. You know, the usual mum worries. 

Soon enough it was 9pm, and my mum had gone off to bed. I was sitting in the living room and then I got a call from Kags saying he was outside. I quickly got up, grabbed the house keys and left the house. I made sure to lock the door behind me, and then I turned to look at Kags. I felt my cheeks heat up as I looked at what Kags was wearing. He always looks attractive, but he looks wayyyyyy too hot right now. Especially when he is leaning on that motorcyle...

I breathed in deeply and waved at him. 

"Hey Kags!" I greeted, hugging him. 

"Hey Yams." He said, as we pulled away. He then looked me up and down, and then smiled. "Looking good." 

Thank you! You look good too." I said, kissing his cheeks. 

He smiled again and then put one of the motorcycle helmets on my head. He strapped it on tightly, and then lifted me up and sat me on the motorcycle. He then sat in front and turned the motorcycle on. 

"Hold on tightly." Kags ordered. 

"Ok." I nervously said. 

I wrapped my arms around him tightly and held onto his jacket. 

"Don't worry, I'm a good driver."  He said, before starting to drive. 

For the few first minutes, I was holding onto him with a very, tight grip. My eyes were closed, and my face was snuggled into his back. But after a few minutes, I started to get more used to it. I loosened my grip, and opened my eyes. The view of speeding past cars was cool, feeling like I was the most important person in the world. I sighed and rested my head on Kags back again. This is nice...

After about 30 minutes, we arrived at a huge house. Lots of people were arriving, and I recognised some from playing volleyball against them. Kags parked his motorcycle, and hoped off, helping me off too after. He then grabbed my hand and led me towards the door. When we got there, a party atmosphere hit us straight away. There was loud music, people dancing, and the smell of alcohol was everywhere. 

"Lets try and find Oikawa and Suga." kags suggested, breaking me out of my thinking. 

"Oh yeah, lets do that." 

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