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♔︎𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙶𝚊𝚖𝚎♔︎

♔︎𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙶𝚊𝚖𝚎♔︎

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Yamaguchi's Pov:

"Tadashi, who are they?" A voice behind me asked.

I recognised that voice. Kageyama.

"Oh, Shiratorizawa players I think." I said, as Kageyama stood next to me.

"Right." Kageyama said.

"Oh, I've heard of you. Apparently you're a really good setter!" Goshiki admitted, as the one next to him, Shirabu, looked at Kageyama meanly.

"Yeah, but not as great as me. Lets go Goshiki." Shirabu yelled, before starting to drag the dark, blue haired boy away.

Goshiki waved at us and said he will have fun playing against us.

"We are going to win today." Kageyama said.

"I hope we do!" I said, smiling up at him.

"I don't hope so, I know. I have this feeling, as if we are definitely going to win." He explained, wrapping an arm around me.

I was confused and then let out a laugh just as Hinata left the bathroom.

"I hope that weird feeling you have is right."


The game just started and we are doing ok. It's no surprise that Shiratorizawa is extremely good. I mean, the red head middle blocker and Ushiwaka are already a threat on their own, let alone the rest of the team. I saw Oikawa in the crowd of people watching, and he waved at me, which I also did back. The first set was being extremely difficult since Ushiwaka was a left-handed player, something you don't see often.

The first set was quick to come to an end, with Shiratorizawa winning. Even though we lost the first set, the team was sure they could turn it around. I believed them. I believed we can. We can.


The second set was taken by us, but they took the third. I was extremely proud and happy whenever Kageyama served, since he switched from his serve to doing mine too, earning us plenty of points. We where going into the fourth set, and I could see the players that where on the court most where getting tired.

"Kags, maybe you should switch with Suga? You look tired." I said, handing him a bottle of water.

"I'm not that tired. I can keep going." He said, smiling and taking a drink.

I nodded and he kissed my forehead before the fourth set started. As soon as it started, Coach Ukai asked me to come over to him.

"I'll switch you in when it's Hinata's turn to serve. I want you to do Kageyama's serve first so it throws them off. Then, do yours." He explained, and I nodded.

I stretched and then looked at Oikawa in the stands. He realised I was stretching to go in, so he gave me a thumbs up. He then mouthed, 'You can do it Yams. Show Shiratorizawa who's the winner in this game.'

I smiled and nodded a him. I then switched in with Yams. I was nervous, I mean, if I mess up Coach Ukai will be furious.

I sighed and grabbed the volleyball. I took a few steps back and breathed in deeply. Kageyama looked back and smiled at me, mouthing a small, 'You can do it.'

I nodded and then the whistle went off. I threw the ball up, rana up and jumped. As soon as my hand connected with the ball, I hit it with as much force as I could. I watched as it went over the net, and hit the floor of the other teams floor. They all looked confused, and then the Karasuno erupted into cheers for me. I felt Noya jumping on me, and Tanaka hitting my back, but I was more focused on Kags hugging me and giving me a quick kiss on the forehead.

I then went back to serving. I did my normal jump, float serve and they received it. It was off though, which earned us a point after Tanaka spiked it . I then switched off with Hinata, and Suga gave me a hug.

"That was great!" Suga said, squeezing me tightly.

"Thank you!" I said, as Ennoshita, Kinoshita and Narita patted my back after Suga let go.

The fourth set was won by us. When we where resting to get ready for the 5th set, Coach Ukai swapped Suga for Kags. Kageyama was tired, very tired, and he actually didn't argue back.

Halfway through the 5th set, Tsukishima hurt his hand. He had to leave the game for a while, but came back right at the end. Kageyama also got switched in again, after he was less tired.

After what seemed like an hour, we where at set point.

"Just one more..." Ennoshita mumbled, next to me.

"Yeah, just one more." I said.

I barely blinked as Shiratorizawa served. It all seemed to go in slow motion. The receive, the set, the spike. And it was over. 15 points. 5 sets. We won.

I excitedly ran onto the court, and into Kags arms. He hugged me back tiredly, and then he let me go. He kissed me after. In the middle of the fucking court. With everyone around...not like I cared though.

"Tobio-chan, Yama-chan! You played well!" I heard a familiar voice say.

We pulled apart and looked over at where the voice was coming from. It was Oikawa. He had an arm wrapped around a crying Suga. He was crying of happiness.

"Thank you Oikawa!" I said.

"Yeah. Thanks for coming!" Kageyama said, as he hugged us both and then went back to comforting Suga.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world! Even though I wishit was me winning and my team." He said, which earned him a small slap to the arm from Suga.

He whined and then left the court since we had to line up. We lined up, shook the Shiratorizawa players hands. I heard the Guess Monster, Shiratorizawa middle blocker, say something about paraside and that. I felt a little bad, but I was still extremely happy for our win.

We where packing our stuff up when the two players I came across earlier approached me and Kags.

"You played well." A crying Goshiki mumbled.

"Thank you. I must admit, you guys played well too." I said, while Kags nodded in agreement.

That made Goshiki smile a little, and then he had to leave, the Shirabu guy following behind him.

"I am so happy we won." Kageyama said, as we picked up our volleyball bags.

"Yeah, same." I said, walking beside him.

He wrapped an arm around me, and we made our way to the bus. We said goodbye to Oikawa who was saying goodbye to Suga outside, and then we got inside.

We sat at the back, and as soon as the drive started, mostly everyone fell asleep. Kags rested his head on my shoulder while I listened to some music. Tsukishima was sitting in the seat in front, and I only realised when he talked to me.

"You look happier with him." He said, without turning around.

"I am happier with him." I admitted. "He healed me, after all."

Healing The Broken Constellation~[Kageguchi Story] Completed✅Where stories live. Discover now