Chapter 2

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Smita POV

Today I came to school early, our driver dropping me off. I'd told my family there was a council meeting, but the truth is, Dhruv wanted to talk to me.

He'd messaged me yesterday.

I walked to the classroom, and entered to see a nervous looking Dhruv.

"Morning." I went and hugged him.

"Hi." He said, meekly.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" I asked.

Suddenly, I hit my ankle on a desk.

"Careful - Smita." Dhruv shrieked.

I looked at him. When did he become so over - protective to me?

"I - I'm fine. Par tumhe kya farak padta hai?" (I - I'm fine. But what difference does that make to you?) I asked, not knowing what I was saying.

Dhruv looked at me, and I realized what I'd said.

"I'm sorry." I muttered quickly.

He smiled, and nodded.

He suddenly knelt down on one knee, pulling out a box.

I gasped.

"I'm sorry I couldn't say this ever, but I can't hold it in me now. I love you. Do you - " He started.

Then, he looked at my shocked expression, and he stood up.

"I'm sorry - I didn't mean to hurt you - " He said.

A/N - I'd done a really unexpected thing coming from me as a kid. Oh, how I love these moments of ours.

I had grabbed Dhruv's shirt's collar, and kissed him.

He was really shocked at first, before kissing me back.

We pulled apart, and he planted a kiss on my forehead.

"I love you too." I smiled, as he slipped a ring onto me.

"Welcome into my world, girlfriend." He winked.

An year passed. We'd sworn we'd never let each other go.

But, yesterday, he made me totally - his.

When I was in my 10th, I'd told myself something (as I don't trust everyone easily) that I'd lose myself to the man I'd truly love and trust, and I'd marry him later on.

And now - Me, and my virginity - were both stolen by him.

I smiled as I looked at my back, where he'd left me a deep hickey.

I put my hair down, wore a top and short jeans, and rushed downstairs, to find Dhruv standing there.

"Hey." I rushed over to hug him.

I was shocked as he didn't hug me back.

I looked at him. Mom, Dad and my siblings were right beside me, giving Dhruv a sad look.

Everyone knew that we were dating since the day he'd proposed. We'd revealed it.

"Kya hua? Sab aise chup kyu hai?" (What happened? Why is everyone so quiet?) I asked.

"Dadi." (Grandma.) Dhruv uttered out a word.

"Kya hua Dadi ko?" (What happened to Dadi?) I asked him.

A/N - I loved her a lot. Hope you are always showering your blessings to us, Dadi.

"She's no mo - " Dhruv started, but I cut him off, tears rolling down my eyes.

"Shhh. Don't." I said, hugging him.

He hugged me back, tight. We needed each other right now.

"Di." Arnav said.

I wiped my tears, and wiped Dhruv's too.

I nodded, and told him to be strong.

"Ma, Papa, Main Dhruv ke ghar jake aa sakti hu?" (Mom, Dad, can I go to Dhruv's house?) I asked.

They nodded, and we left.

The rest of this month was pretty sad and uneventful without Dadi.

But we learned to get over it after a month.

We lived happily every day, until Dhruv was again in my house after a month, with the same expression as that day.

All my family members had the same expression too. 

We sat on the couch.

Dhruv held my hands.

"Smita, i'm not living here anymore." He said.

I shattered, but asked him.

"What, why?" I asked in a gentle tone. 

"I have to shift to Assam." He said. "Papa got a transfer from his job."

I couldn't hold myself anymore. I ran out of the room.

I reached my room, and locked the door.

Does this mean it was all over? Does this mean my words to myself were wrong? Or I had misjudged Dhruv to be the person for my entire future?

Several thoughts smashed in my head, as I cried.

A/N - It was really hard for me to let go of him...

I buried my face in the pillows. I cried the entire night.

The next morning, I saw Dhruv beside me.

I was clinging onto his shirt, but I pulled away and walked off as soon as I saw him.

I felt someone had grabbed my shirt.

"Dhruv, please let go of me. I have to learn to live withou - " I said, and he cut me off.

"We'll never live without each other, Smita." He said.

"It can't work out with us so far away." I said softly, melting into his eyes.

"It will. We'll never let go of each other." He said.

My lips had softly found his, to seal our last kiss.

Today was the day.

I bid him goodbye, hoping it wouldn't be forever.

Who knew what or who I had in fate?

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