Chapter 33

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Khushi POV

Well, you see, Dhruv thought to talk and try to settle the deal first, and that had been going on for half an hour.

"...... take my deal, Rajeev. You don't have any other choice." Dhruv said.

"I told you, Mr. Oberoi, my son is not one to negotiate." Papa continued.

"Excuse me. I'll be handling this shortly." I spoke.

"Ah, okay, Khushi." Papa said, looking at me. "And, Mr. Oberoi, I don't think we've had the oppurtunity. Please allow me to introduce, Khushi, my daughter."

"Daughter," Oberoi frowned.

"Well, she is Dhruv's wife, but I consider her to be my daughter." Papa smiled proudly.

"Well, she is very pretty." Oberoi smiled.

'Oh, I already knew that, Mister, given the four words you just said, as well as from the look in your eyes. But then again, tell me something I don't know.' I thought, and rolled my eyes.

"A pleasure to meet you." Oberoi said.

"You as well." I nodded.

"So tell me, what is it that's making you not agree to the deal being offered?" I asked, smirking lightly.

The man's face slightly dropped, but my smirk stayed in place. It had become evident to me as soon as I saw the look on this guy's face that he was hoping to use me to mellow out these Singhania men.

Little did he know that I myself am a firecracker when it comes to business.

I heard Papa chuckle beside me. 

"That's our Khushi. Careful Mr. Oberoi, she just might make things worse for you." Papa said.

I hovered my eyes over to Dhruv, shooting him a glance. I find him to be looking at me, and just like me, there's a small glint in his eyes.

Oh boy, this is gonna be entertaining!!

I turned my attention to Oberoi. "You haven't answered yet."

Oberoi looked at me, his eyes slightly wide as he looked a little lost.

"Um... uh-" He stuttered.

"Stuttering now, are we?" Papa asked, chuckling again.

"You've wasted out time, enough as it is," I said, reffering to both me and Dhruv. "You could've easily worked this out with our father, but no, you wanted to speak to us directly."

Oberoi spoke this time. "Mrs. Singhania, I can't take your deal and you know it," The man had tried to GLARE! "Do you have any idea how much of a loss it will be for me?"

"Refuse to take my deal and the loss will be even worse." I said, sternly.

Oberoi's eyes widened slightly. "Is that a threat?" He asked.

"Hardly, knowing my wife." Dhruv said, and I saw him smirking.

Oberoi opened his mouth to speak, but I cut him off.

"Sell the 75 lakh land to me and you'll atleast get something. Refuse to and the land will be stripped away from you by the government, only giving you a tiny fraction of what I've offered, which will barely save you from your debt. So, the way I see it, you lose no matter what, Rajeev." I said.

He clenched his jaw, looking away.

"Take the deal to save yourself and your family. Unless, of course, you'd rather see your family suffer."  I continued.

The man's head whipped back up. "Is that another threat?"

My mouth turned into a smug smirk.

"What threat can I make when you're threatening your loved ones yourself by refusing to this deal?" I said.

Oberoi clenched his jaw once more at that.

Okay, Mrs. Khushi Madhu Singhania, get this guy!, my inner voice said.

The man looked down from me, to Dhruv, to Papa, and then back at me, then finally broke down with a sigh.

"Please, Mrs. Singhania, if you could just raise it a little more -" He started.

"For what," I asked, crossing my arms as I tilted my head. "So that you can be reckless once more? Everyone knows of your bad habits, Rajeev, you should be grateful I'm offering you something to begin with," I sneered slightly. "With the 5 lakhs I'm offering, it'll help you to pay off your debts and then some, rather than the government coming in and taking away everything and leaving you with nothing! At least you'll have spare change with what I give and no room to go wasting it off elsewhere!"

The man lowered his head.

"Do yourself a favor and take the deal." Dhruv said.

Oberoi's eyes snapped to Dhruv's and then back to me. Dhruv and I simply looked the man down sternly, knowing that it was clear to him that we weren't going to budge.

Papa chuckled suddenly. "You better listen to them." He said.

"Damn right." I said.

Oberoi glanced at the both of us again, trying to figure out something to say, then he finally gave up. His shoulders sagged as he let out a dejected sigh, his head nodding.

"Alright, I'll take the deal." He said.

"Good." Dhruv said. "I'll see you in my cabin on Monday then."

Oberoi nodded, picked up his office bag, slumping it over his shoulder. He turned to leave, when Dhruv spoke again.

"Oh, and one more thing, Rajeev."

The man turned around to look at us, confused.

"Don't ever waste our time again." Dhruv slightly growled.

While Oberoi looked at the man who is my husband in fear, I couldn't help but to smirk.

Why, Mr. Dhruv Singhania is definitely sounding dangerous with this threat!

Oberoi nodded. "Yes, sir," And he turned away and left.

"Glad that's finally done with." Papa sighed from behind us.

"I know." Dhruv sighed. "But, whatever. If it wasn't for Khushi, we would have never gotten the deal."

"Yup." I smiled and raised my head, proudly.

"And the Khushi I know is back." Dhruv chuckled, and kissed my forehead.

I smiled back at him, and we drove home.

Glad that's finally done over with, really.

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