Chapter 39

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Third Person POV

Everyone still remembers the day. Khushi was nine months pregnant. They were ready for the babies arrival at any time. Dhruv had prebooked everything in the hospital. The bags were packed, the doctors were on standby prepared to take over on any complications, the car was ready with full fuel. With the experience during Shivina's (Kunal and Samita's second child) time, Dhruv had also made the driver, Mohan to shift to the staff quarters at home. Even he was ready to drive at any time to the hospital.

It was a Saturday. They all were having a relaxed weekend. NK was home after a long trip. Akash and Payal had come over to enjoy the weekend. The doctor had told the expected due date to be after one week. So they all were relaxed. They were sitting in the living room having evening beverages and snacks. The kids were playing some video games nearby.

Then suddenly Khushi started feeling contractions and her water broke. Though they all were prepared but when the situation came, they all panicked. Everyone was running here and there. Payal went to take bags, Lavanya went to kids to comfort them, NK went to call Mohan, Akash went to arrange other necessary things and call hospital. The total house was a chaos. The most panicked was DHRUV.

Nobody could control him. He was cursing himself for making Khushi pregnant, he was crying alongwith Khushi infact more than her. He was narrating scary scenarios making everyone scared. In all the chaos, they don't know how they reached hospital but they did.

With Mohan driving the car, NK in passenger seat trying to understand what to do, whether to laugh at the situation or calm Dhruv. Dhruv and Payal sitting beside Khushi, one speaking all the nonsense, berating himself, cursing the whole universe for making woman go through all this pain for giving birth, and other trying to handle Khushi and soothe her. And mainly with an agitated, angry, cursing and writhing in pain Khushi, they somehow reached hospital.

Behind them, even Akash alonwith kids and Lavanya, who was trying to console kids, also reached. Soon the entire clan had rushed Khushi to the labour room. Dhruv wanting to experience the every aspect of parenthood, went alongwith Khushi to the labour room. Others waited outside.

But what happened inside was something that gave the entire Singhania clan something to tease Dhruv till today, Maybe forever. More than Khushi, it was Dhruv who was crying and screaming inside the labour room. Whenever the doctors did some procedure, Dhruv asked each and every detail about it. Why it is done, how it is done, what is the advantage, disadvantages, whether there will be some complications. The whole medical team was frustrated with him. They felt as if they were giving some practical exam and Dhruv was their examiner.

But the more annoying thing for them was Dhruv crying and screaming whenever they did some procedure. Whether Khushi cried or not, whether she felt pain or not, Dhruv would start screaming and scolding the doctors. Then he would start threatening them to do it properly or he will shut down their hospital and make them jobless.

The doctors were frustrated and annoyed with him. They asked him many times to keep quiet and let them do their work. But he didn't budge. Finally Khushi had enough of his nonsense and screamed at him to keep quiet. Otherwise she would make sure that he is thrown out of the hospital and doesn't get to see her or their children including the newborn for atleast one month. That shut him up.

But he couldn't control himself when the actual procedure started. Khushi had literally broken the bones of his hand by clutching it tight while giving birth. But it didn't pained him. What pained him was Khushi's condition. Seeing Khushi crying in pain while giving birth to their child, Dhruv felt bad for making her go through it all.

His respect and love for Khushi increased a thousand times seeing her giving birth to their child enduring so much pain. He felt so much gratitude for her for giving birth to their children suffering all this. He decided to love and care for her a thousand times more for all the pain that she had suffered and is suffering for him and their kids.

Then after three hours of painful labour, Advay and Arshi Singhania were born. Dhruv fell in love with them at first sight. He felt like on top of the world when the nurse kept Advay and Arshi on his arms. They immediately snuggled to Dhruv seeking warmth.

Khushi gave a teary smile and kissed on both the kid's foreheads when Dhruv showed him to her. Dhruv too kissed their foreheads and then Khushi's forehead with love, respect and gratitude. One hour later, when they were shifted to their private room, the entire impatient Singhania clan barged inside to meet the new members.

But Advay Singhania proved that he went on his father in the first hour of his birth. He screamed loudly in annoyance as soon as the entire clan came in. He loved silence and he proved it by screaming loudly till everyone didn't calm down and became silent. Meanwhile Arshi giggled and cooed in everyone's arms she went to. Whereas Advay proved that his loyalty lies with his father and siblings by making grumpy faces whenever his mother or anyone else picked him.

He loved to be with his father, Kriti and Abhi. Specially his father, with whom he always clung at every moment of the day. He only went to his mother when he is hungry. Meanwhile Dhruv proved himself to be the best Daddy. He took care of every needs of Advay and Arshi. Only for feeding they was given to Khushi, otherwise both of them were always with Daddy. Arnav cleaned them, gave them oil massages, bathed them, changed their clothes and diapers, made them sleep, played with them, and did every crazy things for Advay and Arshi.

Today, Khushi and Dhruv, standing beside both the cribs, holding each other, smiled. They didn't know if in future they'd go for a third pregnancy, but for now, as they walked down the memory lane from where they'd started, their family felt complete.

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