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3rd POV

On the farthest edge of Vale lays a single building. This building houses the criminals of Vale. Waking inside you are met with a hallway full of cells. These house the criminals that typically do general crime like vandalism and small mischief. Walk deeper into the building and you'll come to see the criminals that have committed bigger crimes like terrorism and murder. But head to what people call "the basement' and you'll come face to face with easily the most dangerous and no doubt the scariest criminal known to Remnant. Two guards make their way to this danger to give him his daily meal.

Gurad1: "How you feeling rookie? You get to see our baddest criminal on your first day."

The guard laughs as the so called rookie just gulps as they make their way down the seemingly endless staircase to the basement. The guards stop at a giant metal door where the first guard inputs a six digit code. The locks on the door free themselves as the door opens with a prolonged creak.

Rookie: "Is all of this really necessary for one guy?"

Guard: "Absolutely. This particular criminal is an absolute danger. Forty years ago he nearly leveled all of Vale."

Rookie: "Forty? Then shouldn't he be a little old to put up a fight?"

Guard: "You would think."

Rookie: "Huh?"

Guard: "You'll see."

The two guards head inside to a dark room with only a single spotlight shining on the center of the room. Sitting inside the light is a man looking no older than eighteen completely bound in chains that have been bolted to the ground. To further keep him in place a chained collar fixed to a retracting leash inside the floor sits around his neck. His hands are spread out in the air each bound in a lock that is made to suppress semblances. 

Rookie: "It's just a kid."

Guard: "Looks can be deceiving."

The guards walk to the chained man who has his eyes closed making it hard to tell if he is sleeping or meditating. 

Guard: "Lunchtime."

The rookie steps up as the man opens his eyes and stares at the rookie giving him a innocent smile.

Y/N: "A new guy. Name's Y/N, what's yours?"

Cane: "Cane, but everyone here calls me rookie."

Y/N: "Well welcome to the family Cane."

Cane: *to guard* "How's he so dangerous? He's so polite."

Guard: "Don't be fooled. It's all a front, given the chance he'll snap you like a twig."

Y/N: "Like I've been telling you, I only murdered those people because they had the audacity to shoot me."

Guard: "You're still a murder that needs to be hanged."

Y/N: "So hostile, have you tried meditation?"

The guard just scoffs while Y/N looks at Cane.

Y/N: "I'd like to eat now, but with these chains it'll be hard. Mind feeding me?"

Cane begins feeding Y/N until he can't anymore. Cane and the guard then start to head out when the guard stares at Y/N with disgust.

Guard: "Have fun rotting in here."

Y/N: "I'll try to."

Y/N smiles which just makes the guard hmph and close the door behind him. Come nightfall a female guard can be seen walking towards the basement with a tray of food in her hands. She arrives at the checkpoint between the high risk criminals and the basement to see if anything is trying to be smuggled. The guard checking her looks at her and smiles.

Guard: "Hey beautiful, what do you say after work we go to my place for a few drinks?"

The woman simply rolls her eyes not giving the guard the satisfaction of an answer. He quits his flirting and waves her through. 


I close my eyes to meditate when I hear the giant door to my cell open. I open my eyes to see a woman making her way to me with food. 

Y/N: "Dinner time already?"

The woman smiles and the food disappears. The woman then pulls out a key and begins unlocking my chains. I stand up and stretch feeling deep pops from my bones. I crack my shoulders when I look at the woman to see her appearance change to ice cream themed.

Y/N: "You're a cute one."

She smiles and does a little bow.

Y/N: "So who are you great savoir?"

Neo: *mouths* "Neo."

I see her eyes trail down and a smile creep onto her face. I look down and completely forget that I was naked when I was captured.

Y/N: "You can have some later. For now let's just get out of here."

She somehow teleports on my right shoulder and points forward. I smile and begin walking out of my prison.

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