My Plan

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I run to Light and limbo under his right hook. I uppercut his jaw and kick him backwards. He stops himself and launches a ball of light at me. I catch it and pour my power into it; I then throw it back at him which hits him dead center. He feels his chest and chuckles.

Light: "I actually felt that, you're one strong mortal."

Y/N: "I ain't mortal."

He gets confused when I raise my hand and make stalagmites jut out of the ground and head towards Light. He simply expels light and destroys the stalagmites. He then runs to me and gut punches me taking all the air from me. I gasp when I sweep his legs and go to step on him. He blinds me with light then punches me backwards. I stumble before getting hit by blasts of light. One hits my face and knocks me onto my back.

Light: "It's over."

Y/N: "Not yet."

I rise to my feet and summon two F/C spheres. I launch them both at Light who just dodges them. I send one attack into the ground which makes a large beam shoot up from under Light. I use the ambush to grab his neck and chokeslam him into the ground. I pin his arms down and punch his face when he flips us over. He now punches my face when I grab his face and fire an attack point blank. He flies backwards while I rise to my feet. I ready another attack when Light zips to me and punches my ribs so hard several of them break crippling me to the ground. I gasp and cough for air when Light speaks.

Light: "I've won, therefore it is time for humanity to be wiped out."

I get up to stop him but fall holding my ribs. I look at the girls and see fear on their faces, but none more then Salem. She looks down while covering her stomach. I go wide eyed and finally use my ace in the hole. I force myself to my feet and release the full extent of my power. A large shockwave goes out which completely tears up the arena. This intense F/C aura surrounds me and I feel my wounds heal.

Darkness: "Impossible."

Light: "How is it that a mortal has this much power?"

Y/N: "I am no human. I am the embodiment of destruction, I am the force that rocks the world and destroys everything that has been built. I am annihilation!"

I explode off my right foot and uppercut Light high into the air. I jump to him and ground pound him back towards the arena. I land next to Light and grab the back of his neck. I then slam him on the ground twice before tossing him into the wall. Not letting up I punch him further into the wall and quickly punch his ribs with each hit pushing him even further into the wall. I grab his jaw and toss him onto the floor. I slam my foot onto his chest and ready an attack in my hand.

Y/N: "Do you yield?"

Light: "Yes."

I take a deep breath and deactivate my power. I then help Light to his feet when he rejoins his brother. 

Light: "You have won our duel."

Darkness: "What are your requests?"

Y/N: "First and foremost, I be granted your power to rule over this world."

Light: "Deal."

Y/N: "Next, I want Roman Torchwick to be brought back."

Darkness: "That can be done."

Y/N: "Finally, I want you to undo what you did to Salem and give me the power to make immortals."

Light: "It shall be done."

The brothers make their hands glow and everything is bathed in light. When I regain my vision the brothers are nowhere to be seen, Roman is back and Salem looks human again. 


And that is how it went. I saved Remnant and became its new ruler. Shortly after the brothers left I killed every Grimm along with the Grimm pools. After that I made myself known and announced that I would be watching the world from the shadows. After establishing a place to call home I made everyone close to me immortal so we could watch over this world together forever. Speaking of everyone, Salem, Cinder and Neo had children making us one happy family. The kids have grown up quickly and are ready to start attending Beacon. In the end my goal was complete, I had gained the power to fix this world and improve the lives of everyone.

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