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We finally arrive back at the base where we silently walk to the castle. We come across Tyrian who smiles at Emerald.

Tyrian: "Where's our Fall Maiden?"

I freeze and clench my fist.

Tyrian: "Don't tell me something happened to her."

I look over at Emerald to see some tears falling down her cheek. I turn around and hold Tyrian in the air.

Y/N: "If you don't watch your tongue than I will remove it. Do I make myself clear?"

I tighten my grip around his throat and watch him squirm for air. He manages to squeak out a yes which makes me drop him finally letting him catch his breath. I look at Emerald and place my hand on her shoulder. I offer her a comforting smile which she returns. I take my hand away and flop down on the bed. I close my eyes and sigh when I hear a door open and something sit on the bed. 

Salem: "How'd it go?"

Y/N: "We lost the relic and Cinder."

Salem: "That is a shame."

There is a moment of silence before Salem speaks again.

Salem: "But we must move on."

She gets off the bed when I open my eyes and sit up.

Y/N: "So we're just going to move on?"

Salem: "We have to, we have a plan to complete."

Y/N: "No."

Salem: *turns around* "What?"

Y/N: "I said no, I'm not doing anything until Cinder is by my side again. We should at least go look for her."

Salem: "There's no point, she'll just return to us."

Y/N: "I'm not doing anything without her."

Salem: "Why do you care about her so much?"

Y/N: *releases aura* "Because she's my girlfriend!"

Salem: *matches aura* "She's not the only one!"

We glare at each other before I scoff, deactivate my aura and begin walking towards the door.

Salem: "Where're you going?"

Y/N: *coldly* "Out."

I slam the door behind me and begin walking out of the castle.

Salem POV

I sit down on the bed before face planting into the pillow and crying.

Salem: "Idiot."


I mindlessly walk through some town trying to calm myself down when some punk bumps into me.

Punk: "Watch where you're going."

Y/N: "Watch yourself asshole."

I continue walking when I hear a commotion. I walk to it to see two friends fighting each other. They each go to deliver their attacks when I launch an attack at their feet stopping them. 

Y/N: "Enough you two."

They look at me and go wide eyed. They then run to me and jump hugging me. 

Cinder: "I knew you'd come back."

Y/N: "I'd never leave you behind."

Cinder: "What about Salem?"

Y/N: "Me and her are going through a rough patch right now. But that's not important, what are you two doing  here?"

Cinder: "We are making plans to intercept the heroes."

I look at Neo to see her looking down. I notice Roman's hat on her head and figure something happened. I wrap her in a hug which she accepts and lets out her emotions. 

Y/N: "It's okay, just let it all out."

After a few minutes Neo calms down and lets go of my hug.

Y/N: "So do you have any information on the relic the heroes have?"

Cinder: "Yes, I know that they are heading for Atlas."

Neo: *mouths* "So what are we going to do?"

Y/N: "We're going to hijack a ship and go to Atlas. After that we begin my plan."

Cinder: "Which is?"

Y/N: "Won't say yet."

Cinder pouts which I laugh at. We head for a hotel and spend some time there. Come the next day we go out for supplies and new clothes. While the girls go get clothes I sneak into the airfield and head for the airships. I come across one, pick it up and carry it to the meet up. I arrive at the location where the others are waiting for me. I set the ship down, we hop aboard and take flight to Atlas.

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