The Next Step

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I slowly open my eyes to find the red sun high in the sky. I rub my eyes when I feel something shift on my chest. I look and see Salem peacefully sleeping and lightly snoring. I smile at how cute she looks and kiss her forehead which makes her stir awake. 

Salem: "Morning already?"

Y/N: "Yep. And we have a meeting today."

Salem: *groans and cuddles* "I just wanna stay in bed with you."

Y/N: "While I don't object, you need to maintain your professional image to the others."

Salem: *sigh* "I know."

Salem gets off of me and we both get dressed for the day. We then head to the meeting room where we hear arguing. I sigh and throw open the door which makes everyone shut up. Salem and I walk to our thrones and sit down to start this meeting.

Salem: "Watts."

Watts: "Yes Queen Salem?"

Salem: "Do you find such malignance necessary?"

Watts: "I apologize. I'm just not very fond of failure."

Y/N: "And what failure are you referring to?"

Watts pauses and hesitates for a moment.

Watts: "The girl?"

Y/N: "So she lost to a girl with some magic eyes. The way I see it she handled herself pretty well considering that she went against her greatest weakness and only lost an arm and an eye rather than her life."

I see Cinder smile while Watts looks slightly down.

Watts: "Right, forgive me."

Y/N: "On top of that she became our Fall Maiden and helped destroy Beacon."

Salem: "Watts, while Y/N is tending to Cinder you shall take her place and meet our informant in Mistral."

Watts: "Yes Salem."

Y/N: "Tyrian, you continue hunting the Spring Maiden."

Tyrian: "Your wish is my command." 

Salem: "Hazel, I want you with the leader of the White Fang."

Hazel: "As you wish."

Cinder raises her finger which makes Emerald lean close to her.

Emerald: "What about the silver eyed girl?"

Salem: "Tyrian, hold off on Spring. Find the silver eyed girl."

Tyrian smiles when I stop him.

Y/N: "And bring her here."

He loses his smile but nods nonetheless. They all leave for their parts when I hear Salem groan.

Y/N: "You okay?"

Salem: "Yes, just tired."

Y/N: "Why don't you go take a nap while I help Cinder recover?"

Salem smiles and kisses me before walking to our room. Once she leaves I sit down next to Cinder and gradually pour more of my power into her. After about thirty minutes I stop and we take a break. I head to the kitchen and come back with something to drink. 

Y/N: "You did good at Beacon."

Cinder smiles and nods as thanks. 

Y/N: "Now to help fix your eye."

I cup her cheek and use some of my power to serve as an eye. Her hollow left eye cavity is fill by a solid red orb with a black vertical slit in the middle. I take my hand away and go fetch a mirror. I return and hand it to her. She looks at her new eye and lowers the mirror. She looks at me and smiles with tears falling from her right eye as she hugs me. 

Cinder: *whispers in ear* "Thank you."

Y/N: "You're welcome."

Cinder leans back and stares at me in a weird way. She then cups my cheeks and slowly brings her lips closer to me. Before they can connect the door opens and Salem crosses her arms at us.

Y/N: "Hello."

Salem: "Am I interrupting something?"

Y/N: "I don't know. Are you mad?"

Salem: "I knew it would happen. Just remember that I was your first."

She walks away and closes the door behind her.

Y/N: "She took that remarkably well."

I look back at Cinder who silently sighs in relief before crashing her lips on mine. Things quickly escalate and we pretty much end up doing it on the meeting table. Once we were through I carry her bridal style and lay a now passed out Cinder on her bed so she can rest. I walk back to mine and Salem's room and flop down on the bed. The bathroom door opens and Salem lays on my chest.

Y/N: "Are you really fine with sharing me with Cinder?"

Salem: "Yes, because I know that I mean the most to you."

Y/N: "Alright then, I just hope no one else falls for me."

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