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I regroup with the girls and we watch from the rooftops as the angry mobs get closer to each other.

Cinder: "I hope this works."

Y/N: "It will."

I watch the mobs finally meet and smile seeing everything going to plan when an explosion goes off deeper inside Mantle. We look to see a fire along with a small fight breaking out. This makes Grimm sirens go off and me groan in annoyance.

Y/N: "Damn it!"

Cinder: "What do we do?"

Y/N: "Take care of the Grimm then regroup at the base."

They nod and go take care of the Grimm invading the city. I hop off the ledge and slam into the street. I look behind me and see a massive herd of Megoliaths making their way to me. I launch an attack at them which completely evaporates them. I walk down the streets waving any Grimm in my way out of existence. A Megoliath charges towards me when I catch it by its tusks. I throw it into the air and fire a beam that blows a hole through it. I make it another block when a screen is displayed on the side of a building.

Ironwood: "An ancient and terrible evil lies outside of our kingdom. It was responsible for the destruction of Beacon, the attack on Haven, and for the recent attacks on Mantle. This powerful force goes by the name of Salem. Salem seeks only to divide us. To turn us against each other. If she can incite hatred in us, then we will lure in the Grimm, and destroy ourselves."

I groan at him exposing Salem's existence and call the girls.

Cinder: "Yes?"

Y/N: "Change of plans. Drop what you're doing and head back to base. Neo, I want you to find the heroes and relieve them of the lamp. Once you're done with that I'll send you both a text on where to meet next. Understood?"

Cinder: "Yes, but what about you, what are you going to do?"

Y/N: "Take the relic from Atlas."

Cinder: "But what about the door guarding it?"

Y/N: "No door can stop me."

I hang up and begin marching my way towards the academy. I reach its front doors and walk straight in. I encounter Huntsmen and Huntresses but simply backhand them out of my way. I come to the hidden passage and reel back my fist. I punch the wall and a huge section of it comes crumbling down. I walk through the passage and jump bypassing the elevator. I land at the bottom and jump from platform to platform until I reach the vault door. 

I place my hands on the door and activate my power. A F/C glow engulfs me and I begin pulling on the door. It starts creaking when I activate more power; I yell and rip the door clean off. I toss the door to the side and take the relic from its holder. I hop to the floor and begin making my way back up to the surface. Along the way I send a text telling the girls to meet me in the courtyard. I reach the outside world and head to the courtyard where I see the girls.

Y/N: "Did you get the relic?"

Neo: *bows and shows relic*

Y/N: *pats head* "Good job."

Cinder: "What's the plan now?"

Y/N: "Gather the other relics and begin my final plan."

I turn around to leave when I see Salem standing in front of us. When her eyes land on me her gaze softens and I see some sadness in her eyes.

Y/N: "Hello Salem."

Salem: "Hello Y/N. What're you doing here?"

Y/N: "Gathering the relics for my plan."

Salem: "Oh. Guess that means you'll be leaving me now."

Y/N: "No."

Salem: "Huh?"

Y/N: "I'm sorry Salem. I realize that I was focusing more on Cinder and how that made you feel like you didn't matter. I never meant to make you feel like that, I only wanted both of my girls by my side."

I walk to her and wrap my free arm around her.

Y/N: "I never meant to hurt you, I love you, both of you."

She sighs and returns my hug.

Salem: "I love you too."

I feel another set of arms wrap around me.

Cinder: "Me too."

I look to the side and see Neo looking a little sad.

Y/N: "Come here my little ice cream."

She runs to me and joins us in the group hug.

Y/N: "I love you girls so much. You are all my queens and I will do whatever it takes to keep you three safe."

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