Fall Of Beacon

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Salem wakes up and smiles seeing me. She then comes closer and crashes her lips on mine.

Salem: "It's been a long time since I've done that."

Y/N: "Be good and we'll do it more often."

She smiles then gets off of me. I stand up and stretch making several bones pop. 

Y/N: "Suppose we should get dressed."

Salem snaps her fingers and summons some clothes on her and a set in her hand. I get dressed and we walk around the castle.

Y/N: "So what is your goal here?"

Salem: "To gather the four relics and shape the world in my image."

Y/N: "What relics?"

Salem: "They are the four gifts man was given before the gods left this world."

Y/N: "Sounds like I have a lot to learn."

Salem: "Well then allow me to tell you a story."

Salem goes on to fully explain the history of the world including her origins. As she tells me her story I find myself feeling sorry for her, losing your family because your husband wanted to do the biding of someone else. He better hope I don't see him. She continues saying that her and her former husband have been at war for years and her goal is to gather the relics and end their war.

Salem: "And that's just about it."

Y/N: "This Ozpin fella sounds like a complete cunt."

Salem: "He tried to tear our family apart. All I wanted was to be with him and have him by my side. But he thought it was better to fight against me then rule with me."

Y/N: "Then allow me to help you."

Salem :"You mean you're taking my side?"

Y/N: "Yes."

She smiles and hugs me which I return.

Salem: "Thank you."

Y/N: "You're welcome. Now what's the first step?"

Salem: "Destroying his school."

Y/N: "When do we get started?"


I patiently wait on the airship for the action to start. I quickly grow impatient but luckily the sirens start going off. 

Y/N: "Bout damn time."

I get up and open the side door. I step off the ship and plummet to the ground below. I land and rock the entire school. I stick my hands in my pockets and begin making my way inside the school. I make it inside a elevator where I am joined by Cinder. 

Y/N: "Hold on to something."

She latches onto my arm when I stomp the ground which breaks the elevator loose and sends us crashing towards the basement. The freefall makes Cinder float off of the ground when I grab her and carry her bridal style. As soon as I do that the elevator hits the basement floor with a heavy crash. I walk out perfectly fine and set Cinder down on the floor. She makes a bow and fires an arrow which hits a girl in a pod.

This makes an orange mist fly into her. Then flames ignite around her eyes and this burning aura surrounds her. Two kids escape while Ozpin stands before us. 

Y/N: "Leave him to me, you continue with the plan."

Cinder nods and head out of the basement leaving me and Ozpin alone. I crack my neck and walk to him. He fires some kind of magic at me which actually knocks me back. I smile seeing that he's not a complete pushover. I then make a glowing F/C sphere in my hand and throw it at Ozpin. He knocks it away as it hits the wall and explodes taking out a section of the wall. We run at each other with our collision rocking the basement.

I grab Ozpin's head and toss him into the wall. He gets to his hands and knees when I kick his stomach taking all the air from him. I grab the back of his neck and reel back my fist. I slam it into his ribs three times then his jaw knocking out some teeth. I kick him out of my hand and watch his back collide with the wall. He manages to fire some magic at me and I get pushed back. 

Not letting me recover he cranks his magic up and freezes me in place. He slams his cane tip into various points of my body when I let out more of my power and break his hold on me. I sucker punch his stomach and lift him into the air. I send some of my power into him and watch as his life is violently taken from him. I drop his body and begin walking back to the surface. I walk back to the others when I see a bright flash on Beacon Tower. I get there and see Cinder in rough shape. I sling her over my shoulder and begin walking back to Salem. 

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