I Challenge You

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Salem: "What's the next play?"

Y/N: "We gather the other two relics."

Salem: "I already have Tyrian going after destruction. Which means all we need are choice."

Cinder: "That shouldn't be a problem with me."

Y/N: "Then let's go after it."

After making a pitstop in Salem's Monstra we fly all the way back to Beacon to get the relic of choice. We land at the school where Salem makes all the Grimm leave. 

Y/N: "I got this but you are going to want to get away from this place."

They nod, hop into the bullhead and fly as far away as possible. Once I know they're safe I close my eyes and condense my power into a ball. After a few seconds I slam the attack into the ground which goes off and completely destroys the area. Once the smoke settles I sigh and rotate my shoulder feeling it go numb. The others arrive and together we look around until we see a large monument left completely untouched by my attack.

Cinder places her hand on the monument which makes it open up revealing the relic. I grab it and we head off to meet up with Tyrian. We arrive and see him taking shade under a palm tree. 

Y/N: "Well?"

Tyrian: "It's around here somewhere in this oasis."

Y/N: "Brace yourselves."

I send out a massive shockwave which blows away all the trees and evaporates the water. I look around and see something tiny shining where the water was. I study it and see gold; I fully dig up the object and see that it's a solid gold sword.

Y/N: "I though the relics were supposed to be locked under the academies."

Salem: "I guess Vacuo thought it would be safer to just bury it under their founding oasis. Pretty clever, we'd be preoccupied with searching the school someone could dig it up and take it to another continent."

Y/N: "But in the end it was useless."

I grab the relic and sling it over my shoulder. We then make our way back to the Monstra and fly towards Atlas. Once we return we land the Monstra near a floating colosseum and enter. I set the relics down and soon they levitate. They then angle themselves downwards and fire a blue beam. The beams connect at the ground and form a portal; from that portal two figures walk out and stand before us. One is made of light while the other of darkness.

Light: "We are the brother gods Light and Darkness and you have summoned us."

Darkness: "Therefore it is time for us to judge humanity."

Y/N: "Hold up."

They pause and look at me.

Y/N: "I only summoned you two here because I want to offer you two a deal."

Light: "Hmm?"

Darkness: "What might it be?"

Y/N: "A simple duel."

Light: "And what will we be fighting for?"

Y/N: "The very future of Remnant. If I win you leave humanity alone while also granting me a few requests."

Darkness: "And if we win?"

Y/N: "I stand down and you can just wipe us out with having to judge us."

The two brothers look at each other then back at me.

Light: "We accept your duel. Which of us would you like to fight?"

Y/N: "Whoever you think would guarantee your victory."

I leave them to choose while I huddle with my girls.

Cinder: "Y/N, are you sure you can beat a god?"

Y/N: "To be perfectly honest, nope. I'm just gonna use everything I've got and hope for the best."

Neo: *mouths* "Oum help us."

Salem: "If you lose this, then I'll never forgive you."

Y/N: "Thanks for the motivation."

I turn around to see Light stepping forward. I limber up and prepare for the slugfest that is about to happen.

Light: "Whenever you're ready."

I crack my neck and power myself up before rushing towards Light.

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