Mission Failed

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I land on the ground and begin making my way towards that blond boy. I grab him and chuck him to the side. 

Y/N: "You'll pay for that."

I walk to him when a boy in green fires his guns at me. I scoff and send an attack at him. He gets blown back and collides with the wall. I tilt my head dodging the blond boy's sword. I grab him by his neck and look at Cinder.

Y/N: "Go get the relic. I'll take care of these kids."

She nods and runs to Leo while I slam the blond on the ground. I duck missing a hammer and kick behind me knocking a girl in pink away. I turn to face her when that man swings his scythe at me. I dodge him and gut punch him; I feel bullets hit my back which makes me turn around. I see little red firing her scythe when blond comes running to me.

Y/N: "Beat it tiny."

I slam my foot into his chest which sends him flying backwards. I grab the man by his throat and throw him into the boy in green. I walk towards hammer girl and bring my fist down on her. She dodges and swings her hammer into my jaw. That man joins in and swings his sword up cutting my chest. I stumble backward when green runs to me and pushes himself off of my chest. He then unloads his guns at me. To finish me off red fires ice Dust rounds which incase my legs.

Y/N: "Valiant attempt."

I release more power and shatter the ice while healing my wounds.

Y/N: "But not good enough."

I crack my knuckles and run at the heroes. I uppercut the man then slam my hand on his back knocking him to the ground. I run to the blond boy and kick him back. The girl in pink and the boy in green run at me but I catch them and slam them into each other. I turn to red and dodge a downward strike from her. I yank her weapon away from her and lift her into the air by her cloak.

Y/N: *sigh* "It pains me to see a child fighting in a war."

I reel my arm back when the elevator comes back up. I look and see the blonde chick holding the relic. I groan and set red down. I begin walking out of the building when Emerald is the first to speak.

Emerald: "What're you doing? We need to get the relic!"

Y/N: "It's no use, they already have it."

Emerald: "But-"

I look over my shoulder and give Emerald a death glare that makes her freeze.

Y/N: "We're leaving, now."

I look forward again and begin walking out with the others following behind me. I make it outside just in time to have Adam Taurus land at my feet.

Y/N: "Gather your men, we're withdrawing."

Adam: "What?! No!"

Y/N: "Are you refusing to listen to me?"

Adam: "I'm not leaving until this school is blown sky high! So-"

I grab his throat and lift him off the ground.

Y/N: "You will withdraw your troops or else."

He rams his sword into my side and smiles. I simply grab his wrist and pull his sword out of me. 

Y/N: "Big mistake."

I keep applying more pressure while he struggles to break free. Something gives and his neck snaps like a twig. I drop his body and look at his followers.

Y/N: "Unless you wish to join him you'll leave the area."

They all bolt in different directions while we head out of the school. We arrive at the bullhead but don't see Cinder anywhere. 

Y/N: "Where's Cinder?"

Hazel: "She was lost."

I hang my head in sadness as the bullhead takes flight and makes its way back to Salem's castle. As we fly I look at Emerald to see her looking down while sniffling. I sit next to her and place my hand on her shoulder. She looks at me and just hugs me; I return her hug and just let her cry out her emotions.

Y/N: "It's going to be okay, I'll make it my mission to find her."

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