Bandit Camp

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A few days later I stand in the training room watching Cinder adapt to her new Grimm appendage courteous of Salem. I tilt my head to the side and dodge her fist. I then headbutt her away and across the floor. She makes a glass sword and swings it with me catching it and punching her jaw.

She growls before slamming her foot into my chest and jumping away from me. She makes her bow and fires several arrows at me. I activate some of my power and the arrows shatter before they can hit me. Cinder disperses her bow and runs at me with swords at the ready.

She slashes them in a x shape which I let cut me. She smiles when I grab her wrists and lift her into the air. I reel my arm back and go to punch her; however I stop an inch from her face and boop her nose.

Y/N: "You lose again."

Cinder: "Drat."

I set her down and wrap my arm around her.

Y/N: "No worries, you're actually improving."

Cinder: "I do it all for you."

Salem: "How goes it?"

Y/N: "She's getting there."

The sound of a door opening is heard which makes us look to see Tyrian slinking his way to us.

Salem: "Were you successful?"

Tyrian: "N-no."

I sigh fearing that he would say that.

Tyrian: "But my stinger poisoned Qrow. He will no longer be a nuisance."

Salem: "That was not your mission. You disappoint me."

She walks away leaving Tyrian to sob loudly at his failure. I see a Beowolf sneaking up behind him so I grab Cinder and walk us out away from Tyrian.

Cinder: "What're you doing?"

Y/N: "Trust me, you don't wanna see what happens."

Some time later I find myself entering Haven Academy with Watts. We arrive at the headmaster's office and go to a secret room. We walk down a long chamber until we come to a Seer Grimm just floating in the air. I push him forward as Salem appears in the orb.

Salem: "Do you have anything to report?"

Leo: "Of course. I've found the Spring Maiden."

Salem: "Is that so? Well done. Good job for expediting this process Arthur."

Arthur: "As much as I'd like to take credit, I'm afraid neither of us are to thank for this development. A little birdie is."

Salem: "Explain."

Leo: "Qrow arrived at the academy earlier today. He believes Spring has taken up residence with his sister's tribe."

Cinder: "Is the girl with him?"

Leo: "Yes."

I see Cinder get angry when I interject.

Y/N: "Cinder I want you to stand down."

Cinder: "Huh?"

Y/N: "I want you to let the girl go and let me deal with her."

Cinder: "But..."

Y/N: "Please."

Cinder: "As you wish."

Salem: "Do you know the tribe's location?"

Leo: "Yes."

Salem: "Cinder, you and your team head to meet with the Branwen tribe. You go with them Y/N just in case. Once she is in our ranks I want you to escort her to the relic and contact Hazel. Once we have what we need we will give the White Fang the destruction of Haven."

Y/N: "Whatever you say my queen."

Salem: "In the meantime Watts, Tyrian needs a new tail."

Watts: "Then I shall give him one."

Salem disappears from the orb and we make our way back to the castle. However once Watts gets off the airship it takes off and drops me off at Cinder's location. I meet up with her and her team and we begin making our way to the camp.

Guard: "Who goes there?"

Y/N: "We need to speak to your boss."

Guard: "No."

Y/N: "Well I tried civility, time for brute force."

I crack my knuckles as the others take several steps back. I summon a F/C sphere and launch it at the front gate blowing it to pieces. I walk through the wide open entrance and see dozens of bandits aiming their weapons at me.

Y/N: "Where's your boss?"

They don't answer which makes me sigh.

Y/N: "Then it looks like I'll have to level this place to find her."

I create a giant ball above me which quickly grows to monumental size. I get ready to bring it down when I hear a voice.

Voice: "Wait."

I look and see a woman in red and black armor making her way to me.

Boss: "You wanted to see me. Well, here I am."

I disperse the attack and am joined by the others.

Y/N: "Let's have a chat."

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