Dividing Cities

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We finally arrive in Atlas and the first thing we do is get a place to stay.

Cinder: "What now?"

Y/N: "I want you to keep a low profile and gather whatever info you can gather. As for you Neo, I want you to come with me to Atlas Academy. With your semblance we'll be able to infiltrate it better and see if we can find out where the relic is."

They both nod and get ready for bed. I lay on my back where the girls lay on top of me. Cinder kisses my cheek when I look and see Neo staring at us. 

Y/N: "Do you feel the same?"

Neo: *nods*

Y/N: "Alright then."

I give her a kiss and needless to say we barely slept that night. Come morning Cinder heads out into town while Neo and I head towards the academy. Once we arrive Neo uses her semblance making us appear as normal Atlas students. 

Y/N: "Alright, let's split up so we can cover more ground."

Neo: *mouths* "Right."

We head in opposite directions with me heading to the right. I walk through the seemingly endless corridors until I come across two lamps. I study them and test something but pulling on both of them. The left one doesn't budge but the right one comes down like a lever and opens a section of the wall. I head inside the secret chamber and am lead to an elevator. Riding it to the bottom I see floating sections with a door on one of them.

Y/N: "Found the relic."

I take out my scroll and mark the location for later. I then text Neo and head out of the academy. We regroup and head back to hotel where we are joined by Cinder.

Cider: "What'd you find?"

Y/N: "I found where the relic is being held, what about you?"

Cinder: "Our enemies are here and are working close in hand with Ironwood. There's also talk about brewing tensions between Atlas and Mantle."

Y/N: "Hmmm, that could be used to our advantage. Anything else? Do you know who specifically is butting heads with Ironwood?"

Cinder: "Some woman named Robyn. Her, Jacques Schnee and Ironwood are in a three way battle."

Neo: *mouths* "What're you thinking?"

Y/N: "If we can somehow get Mantle to push back against Atlas then it would give us the chance we need to get the relic. With Atlas preoccupied with Mantle no one will be able to guard the relic."

Cinder: "So you're supposing we start a war?"

Y/N: "No, that's too much. We just need everyone distracted enough so that we can get in, get the relic and leave. So I'm thinking we spread some rumors, cause some mischief on both sides while framing it on the other and use their bickering to nab the relic."

Cinder: "What do we do?"

Y/N: "For now wait, we'll need to iron out the details if we want things to work out."

The next morning I come up with a plan that I'm confident in and go over it with the others.

Y/N: "What do you girls think?"

Cinder: "It's a lot of work but if it's this thought out then it shouldn't fail."

Neo: "Agreed."

Y/N: "Alright then, Neo, you take Mantle. Cinder, you take Atlas. Meanwhile with help of a clone courteous of Neo I spread false rumors and place blame on each city. Ready?"

They both give a thumbs up and we begin enacting the plan. I watch from a scroll and see Neo and Cinder set to work. I switch to Neo to see her take the appearance of an Atlas official and causeunrest. She puts up falsified posters imposing stricter and outrageous laws on Mantle by Atlas. I switch to Cinder and see her dressed like an Mantle commoner. 

She takes a metal bar and begins vandalizing key Atlas property while shouting profanities about Atlas and how Mantle is better. She then grabs some spray cans and sprays Atlas statues with the symbol of Mantle. I smile and stand up as my clone appears. Our appearances then change with me taking on an Atlesian appearance and the clone taking on a Mantle commoner appearance. We run to the center of each city and begin making our speeches.

Y/N: "Fellow citizens of Atlas. The people of Mantle have grown too rebellious, therefore I believe it is time we put our foot down. We give them all we can to survive yet they continue to beg for more. Like slaves they grovel at our feet and ask for more instead of being grateful for what they already have. So I think it's time we squashed them with our boots like the ants they are!"

The crowd cheers and chants while making its way down to Mantle.

Clone Y/N POV

Y/N clone: "My fellow people of Mantle. For years we have suffered at the hands of Atlas. They look down on us and call us weak while draining every ounce of life out of us they can. We give them our obedience and go along with their ways but still they beat us down and call us inferior. Now with their new laws they have crossed a line, so stand with me and together we will crush Atlas and take back everything they have taken from us!"

Everyone cheers and begin making their way up to Atlas.

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