The Fight Over Haven

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Raven: "What do you want to talk about?"

Y/N: "We require your assistance in obtaining the relic underneath Haven Academy."

Raven: "Why do you need my help?"

Y/N: "Because you have the Spring Maiden here and we need her."

Raven: "Vernal."

A woman with tan skin steps forward and makes a storm appear out of nowhere. 

Raven: "She has done well under my guidance."

Y/N: "Then she'll serve us well."

Raven: "We didn't-"

Y/N: "I would just accept it if I were you. Do that, and you and your tribe just might live. Simply help us and I'll have Salem take you off her radar."

Raven: "I don't want any part of this."

Y/N: "That's not an option, either help us and live or try to defy us and die where you stand."

I display some power which causes the ground to shake like an earthquake. 

Raven: "I need time to think this over."

Y/N: "You five minutes."

Raven: "But-"

Y/N: "One minute."

Raven: "I-"

Y/N: "Ten seconds."

I begin counting down while forming a ball of my power. I them aim it at her and finish the countdown.

Y/N: "Three, two, on-"

Raven: "Fine. I shall help you."

Y/N: *disperses attack* "Wise choice. We all meet at Haven at the start of classes. Do not run or Salem won't be the one you'll have to worry about."

I begin walking away and whistle to the others telling them to follow me.


I stand beside Leo and see the heroes come walking inside.

Man: "Who're you?"

Y/N: "Just an observer."

Man: "Great, if you don't mind leaving we have some business to attend to."

Blonde: "Mom?"

Raven flies to us and transforms into her human form.

Man: "What's going on, what're you doing here?"

Raven: "I could ask you that."

Man: "What have you done Leo?"

Y/N: "What any man in his shoes would. Made a choice given his circumstances."

Raven: "And it seems you all have too."

Man: "Give us the Spring Maiden, we can be Salem together."

Raven: "There is no beating Salem."

Y/N: "She's right."

Red: "You're both wrong. We've done things most people would say can't be done. But we did them together. Help us and I know we can beat Salem."

Y/N: "Sorry, but I'm not going to betray my queen."

Raven opens a portal and a fireball is launched hitting the girl in red. Cinder, Emerald, Mercury and Vernal walk through the portal and stand beside Raven.

Y/N: "Stand down kids and none of you will get hurt."

I look to the doors and see Hazel walking in.

Y/N: "Are they ready?"

Hazel: "Yes, demolition is prepped."

White: "Was all of this a trap?"

Y/N: "Don't worry girly, it's nothing personal, just business. Attack."

Cinder and the others charge forward and begin the fight while I just watch from the top of the staircase. I see Cinder take on a blond boy, Emerald take on the girl in red, Mercury take on a blonde chick, Vernal take on snow white while Raven takes on the man leaving a tan skinned boy to head for us. He goes to grab Leo when I kick him down the staircase.

Y/N: "Sorry kid, but you're not getting to the lion."

He tries to get back up but I use my power to launch him away and into a pillar. He springs to his feet and runs at me. I go to crush him but he slides between my legs. I turn around and grab the back of his neck. I hoist him up and go to punch him when he deploys a cane and whacks my jaw. I look at the cane and become surprised.

Y/N: "Hello again Ozpin. Never that I'd see you again."

I toss the boy over the staircase and go back to watching the fight. I see the girl in white hopping off glyphs when I use my power to push her back into a pillar. This allows Vernal to once again engage her in combat. I lean over the railing when that boy jumps up and punches me across the face. I reel my head back and headbutt him away towards Hazel. 

Y/N: "Hey Hazel, that boy's the new Ozpin."

Hazel looks at the cane and goes into a rage fueled fight. I look back at the fight when a bright light goes off. I cover my eyes and rub them to regain my sight. As I rub them I hear a scream which clears up my vision. I look to see Cinder on the ground. I then see that blond boy narrowly hit Cinder's mask. I get angry and start releasing my power while hopping over the railing.

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